Palmer, K; Carfi, A; Angioletti, C; Di Paola, A; Navickas, R; Dambrauskas, L; Jureviciene, E; Forjaz, MJ; Rodriguez-Blazquez, C; Prados-Torres, A; Gimeno-Miguel, A; Cano-del Pozo, M; Bestue-Cardiel, M; Leiva-Fernandez, F; Ferrer, EP; Carriazo, AM; Lama, C; Rodriguez-Acuna, R; Cosano, I; Bedoya-Belmonte, JJ; Liseckiene, I; Barbolini, M; Txarramendieta, J; Keenoy, ED; Fullaondo, A; Rijken, M; Onder, G – 2019
A Methodological Approach for Implementing an Integrated Multimorbidity Care Model: Results from the Pre-Implementation Stage of Joint Action CHRODIS-PLUS
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2019 | Publicaciones - C-08 | 0 Comentarios