Bel-Serrat, S; Ojeda-Rodriguez, A; Heinen, MM; Buoncristiano, M; Abdrakhmanova, S; Duleva, V; Sant’Angelo, VF; Fijalkowska, A; Hejgaard, T; Huidumac, C; Hyska, J; Kujundzic, E; Milanovic, SM; Ovezmyradova, G; Perez-Farinos, N; Petrauskiene, A; Rito, AI; Shengelia, L; Braunerova, RT; Rutter, H; Murrin, CM; Kelleher, CC; Breda, J – 2019
Clustering of Multiple Energy Balance-Related Behaviors in School Children and its Association with Overweight and Obesity-WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI 2015-2017)
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2019 | Publicaciones - A-10 | 0 Comentarios