Torres-Pena, JD; Perez-Belmonte, LM; Fuentes-Jimenez, F; Carmona, MDL; Perez-Martinez, P; Lopez-Miranda, J; Sanchez, FJC; Nunez, JAV; Beamonte, ED; Gamboa, JOM; Garcia, AG; Moraleja, JG; Troncoso, AC; Martinez, MLT; Montero, MDD; Ripol, JMS; Sanchez, RG; Gonzalez, DA; Boixeda, R; Rodriguez, BC; Ena, J; Garcia, GMG; Esteve, AV; Rincon, JMR; Gomez-Huelgas, R – 2021
Prior Treatment with Statins is Associated with Improved Outcomes of Patients with COVID-19: Data from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2021 | Publicaciones - A-06 | 0 Comentarios