Ruiz-Pinto, S; Pita, G; Martin, M; Nunez-Torres, R; Cuadrado, A; Shahbazi, MN; Caronia, D; Kojic, A; Moreno, LT; de la Torre-Montero, JC; Lozano, M; Lopez-Fernandez, LA; Ribelles, N; Garcia-Saenz, JA; Alba, E; Milne, RL; Losada, A; Perez-Moreno, M; Benitez, J; Gonzalez-Neira, A – 2021
Regulatory CDH4 Genetic Variants Associate With Risk to Develop Capecitabine-Induced Hand-Foot Syndrome
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2021 | Publicaciones - B-01 | 0 Comentarios