Courtet, Philippe; Amiot, Odile; Baca-Garcia, Enrique; Bellardita, Lara; Cerveri, Giancarlo; Clair, Anne-Helene; De Leo, Diego; Drapier, Dominique; Fakra, Eric; Gheysen, Francis; Giner, Lucas; Gonzalez-Pinto, Ana; Gussoni, Gualberto; Haffen, Emmanuel; Lecardeur, Laurent; Mayoral-Cleries, Fermin; Mennini, Francesco Saverio; Saiz, Pilar A; Vieta, Eduard; Hidalgo, Diego Alberto; Volpe, Umberto – 2023 – 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.2453
Understanding the potential of digital therapies in implementing the standard of care for depression in Europe. – EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2023 | Publicaciones - C-03 | 0 Comentarios