EATRIS is the European network of translational medicine research infrastructures that aims to establish a European infrastructure specialized in biomedicine to optimize the access of basic research results to clinical applications.

This European network provides access to a wide range of preclinical and clinical expertise and facilities that are available at more than 115 leading academic centers across Europe.

The network comprises a total of 13 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. 

1. Platforms

The EATRIS infrastructure is organized in 5 platforms belonging to different fields of biomedicine, IBIMA belongs to the following two:

Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and biologics (ATMP)

Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) represent a new category of medicines with a wide therapeutic potential for treating different types of diseases such as cancer, neurode­generative and cardiovascular diseas­es. EATRIS ATMP platform offers over 35 state of the art European centres covering the entire ATMP production and development pipeline.

IBIMA as a member of this platform have a 3 rooms for production of Advanced Cell Therapy Medicinal Products (AcTMP)

Biomarkers for precision medicine

In the era of personalized medicine, biomarkers play a crucial role in diagnostic and treatment decisions. EATRIS Biomarkers Product Platform facilitates the validation and development of biomarkers for the prevention, diagnosis and prognostic assessment of disease as well as for the prediction of therapy response.

IBIMA as a member of this platform have the analysis of the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of a large number of patients, also IBIMA is part of the Biobank of the Public Health Service of Andalusia

The other three platforms that make up EATRIS are:

2. Services

EATRIS, in order to improve the biomedical research of its member institutes, offers different types of services:

A large part of these services are free for IBIMA as a member of this network.