Fernández-Montes, A; de Velasco, G; Aguín, S; Farriols, C; Guirado-Risueño, M; Jerviz-Guía, VG; Baeza-Nadal, MV; Chicas-Sett, R; Fírvida, JL; García-Navalón, F; Martín, P; Perezagua-Marín, C; Rodríguez, D; Santamaría, J; Saurí, T; Cobo, M – 2021 – 10.1007/s11864-021-00816-5
Insights into the Use of Peripherally Acting μ-Opioid Receptor Antagonists (PAMORAs) in Oncologic Patients: from Scientific Evidence to Real Clinical Practice
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2021 | Publicaciones - B-22 | 0 Comentarios