Barrubes, L; Babio, N; Hernandez-Alonso, P; Toledo, E; Sabio, JBR; Estruch, R; Ros, E; Fito, M; Alonso-Gomez, AM; Fiol, M; Lapetra, J; Serra-Majem, L; Pinto, X; Ruiz-Canela, M; Corella, D; Castaner, O; Macias-Gonzalez, M; Salas-Salvado, J – 2020
Association between the 2018 WCRF/AICR and the Low-Risk Lifestyle Scores with Colorectal Cancer Risk in the Predimed Study
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2020 | Publicaciones - A-02 | 0 Comentarios