Recursos humanos

Active Projects

Búsqueda de candidatos/as

  Búsqueda de candidato predoctoral. Grupo CIMO-01: Investigación clínica y traslacional en Cáncer

Omics integration for precision cancer immunotherapy

Financed by : European Commission Grant Agreement ID:  799818 Program : H2020- Call: International Mobility of Researchers – MSCA – IF 2017 Duration:  January 2018 to February 2020 Beneficiary: Barragán Mallofret, Isabel Supervisor: Alba, Emilio Implementation center:...

Targeting the Endocannabinoid System within Islets

Financed by: European Comission Grant Agreement ID: 748749 Programme: H2020- Call: International Mobility of Researchers – MSCA – IF 2016 Duration: January 2018 to August 2020 Beneficiary: González Mariscal, Isabel Supervisor: Bermúdez, Javier Implementation...



Development of a nanotechnology-based innovative assay for the diagnosis of allergy to BetalactamsFinanced by: European Union Programme: H2020- Call: MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE: INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIPS- EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIPS 2020 Grant agreement ID: 101027955 Start date:...



Development of a nanotechnology-based innovative assay for the diagnosis of allergy to BetalactamsFinanced by: European Union Programme: H2020- Call: MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE: INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIPS- EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIPS 2020 Grant agreement ID: 101027955 Start date:...

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