Konieczna, J; Romaguera, D; Pereira, V; Fiol, M; Razquin, C; Estruch, R; Asensio, EM; Babio, N; Fito, M; Gomez-Gracia, E; Ros, E; Lapetra, J; Aros, F; Serra-Majem, L; Pinto, X; Toledo, E; Sorli, JV; Bullo, M; Schroder, H; Martinez-Gonzalez, MA – 2019
Longitudinal association of changes in diet with changes in body weight and waist circumference in subjects at high cardiovascular risk: the PREDIMED trial
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2019 | Publicaciones - A-10 | 0 Comentarios