de la Oliva, ARL; Campos-Sandoval, JA; Gomez-Garcia, MC; Cardona, C; Martin-Rufian, M; Sialana, FJ; Castilla, L; Bae, N; Lobo, C; Penalver, A; Garcia-Frutos, M; Carro, D; Enrique, V; Paz, JC; Mirmira, RG; Gutierrez, A; Alonso, FJ; Segura, JA; Mates, JM; Lubec, G; Marquez, J – 2020
Nuclear Translocation of Glutaminase GLS2 in Human Cancer Cells Associates with Proliferation Arrest and Differentiation.
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2020 | Publicaciones - B-07 | 0 Comentarios