Arias-de la Rosa, I; Escudero-Contreras, A; Ruiz-Ponce, M; Cuesta-Lopez, L; Roman-Rodriguez, C; Perez-Sanchez, C; Ruiz-Limon, P; Guzman-Ruiz, R; Leiva-Cepas, F; Alcaide, J; Segui, P; Plasencia, C; Martinez-Feito, A; Font, P; Abalos, MC; Ortega, R; Malagon, MM; Tinahones, FJ; Collantes-Estevez, E; Lopez-Pedrera, C; Barbarroja, N – 2022
Pathogenic mechanisms involving the interplay between adipose tissue and auto-antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2022 | Publicaciones - A-02 | 0 Comentarios