Diabetes, Obesidad y otros Factores de Riesgo Vascular. Enfermedades Autoinmunes Sistémicas
Lineas de Investigación
01. Enfermedades Autoinmunes Sistémicas
02.Enfermedades Crónicas. Patología del Anciano
03. Enfermedad Tromboembólica
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Effects of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet on health parameters in resistance-trained women
Vargas-Molina, S; Carbone, L; Romance, R; Petro, JL; Schoenfeld, BJ; Kreider, RB; Bonilla, DA; Benitez-Porres, J – 2021
Inappropriate antibiotic use in the COVID-19 era: Factors associated with inappropriate prescribing and secondary complications. Analysis of the registry SEMI-COVID
Calderon-Parra, J; Muino-Miguez, A; Bendala-Estrada, AD; Ramos-Martinez, A; Munez-Rubio, E; Carracedo, EF; Montes, JT; Rubio-Rivas, M; Arnalich-Fernandez, F; Beato Perez, JL; Brunen, JMG; Beamonte, ED; Fontan, PMP; Carmona, MD; Martinez, RFM; Garcia, AG; Mosteiro, CS; de Almeida, CT; Moraleja, JG; Deodati, F; Escalante, MDM; Tomas, MLA; Huelgas, RG; Rojo, JMC; Nunez-Cortes, JM – 2021
Prior Treatment with Statins is Associated with Improved Outcomes of Patients with COVID-19: Data from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
Torres-Pena, JD; Perez-Belmonte, LM; Fuentes-Jimenez, F; Carmona, MDL; Perez-Martinez, P; Lopez-Miranda, J; Sanchez, FJC; Nunez, JAV; Beamonte, ED; Gamboa, JOM; Garcia, AG; Moraleja, JG; Troncoso, AC; Martinez, MLT; Montero, MDD; Ripol, JMS; Sanchez, RG; Gonzalez, DA; Boixeda, R; Rodriguez, BC; Ena, J; Garcia, GMG; Esteve, AV; Rincon, JMR; Gomez-Huelgas, R – 2021
Calcifediol Treatment and Hospital Mortality Due to COVID-19: A Cohort Study
Alcala-Diaz, JF; Limia-Perez, L; Gomez-Huelgas, R; Martin-Escalante, MD; Cortes-Rodriguez, B; Zambrana-Garcia, JL; Entrenas-Castillo, M; Perez-Caballero, AI; Lopez-Carmona, MD; Garcia-Alegria, J; Rodriguez-Mancheno, AL; Arenas-de Larriva, MD; Perez-Belmonte, LM; Jungreis, I; Bouillon, R; Quesada-Gomez, JM; Lopez-Miranda, J – 2021
Efficacy and Safety of Empagliflozin Continuation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Hospitalised for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
Perez-Belmonte, LM; Ricci, M; Sanz-Canovas, J; Millan-Gomez, M; Osuna-Sanchez, J; Ruiz-Moreno, MI; Bernal-Lopez, MR; Lopez-Carmona, MD; Jimenez-Navarro, M; Gomez-Doblas, JJ; Lara, JP; Gomez-Huelgas, R – 2021
Psychological and metabolic risk factors in older adults with a previous history of eating disorder: A cross-sectional study from the Predimed-Plus study,
Vintro-Alcaraz, C; Baenas, I; Lozano-Madrid, M; Granero, R; Ruiz-Canela, M; Babio, N; Corella, D; Fito, M; Martinez, JA; Alonso-Gomez, AM; Warnberg, J; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; Lopez-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Bernal-Lopez, MR; Lapetra, J; Sanchez-Villegas, A; Bueno-Cavanillas, A; Tur, JA; Martin-Sanchez, V; Pinto, X; Delgado-Rodriguez, M; Matia-Martin, P; Vidal, J; Cardenas, JJ; Daimiel, L; Ros, E; Razquin, C; Diaz-Lopez, A; Gonzalez, JI; Forcano, L; Zulet, MD; Bello-Mora, MC; Valenzuela-Guerrero, S; de la Hera, MG; Konieczna, J; Garcia-Rios, A; Casas, R; Gomez-Perez, AM; Garcia-Arellano, A; Bullo, M; Sorli, JV; Cuenca-Royo, A; Abete, I; Salaverria-Lete, I; Basterra-Gortari, FJ; de la Torre, R; Salas-Salvado, J; Fernandez-Aranda, F – 2021
Use of antihyperglycaemic therapy with cardiovascular benefit in patients with type 2 diabetes who require hospitalisation: A cross-sectional study
Ena, J; Carretero-Gomez, J; Zapatero-Gaviria, A; Sanchez, FJC; Del Romero-Sanchez, M; Gonzalez-Becerra, C; Blazquez-Encinar, JC; Iguzquiza-Pellejero, MJ; Yanguela, BD; Gomez-Huelgas, R – 2021
Cardiometabolic Therapy and Mortality in Very Old Patients With Diabetes Hospitalized due to COVID-19
Ramos-Rincon, JM; Perez-Belmonte, LM; Carrasco-Sanchez, FJ; Jansen-Chaparro, S; De-Sousa-Baena, M; Bueno-Fonseca, J; Perez-Aguilar, M; Arevalo-Canas, C; Cebrian, MB; Mendez-Bailon, M; Mera, IF; Garcia, AG; Romero, FN; de Almeida, CT; Nicolas, GM; Noya, AG; Milian, AH; Garcia, GMG; Pedrajas, JNA; Garcia, VH; Corral-Gudino, L; Casanova, PC; Miguez, HM; Casas-Rojo, JM; Gomez-Huelgas, R – 2021
Eosinophilic fasciitis in a pregnant woman with corticosteroid dependence and good response to infliximab
Jimenez-Garcia, N; Aguilar-Garcia, J; Fernandez-Canedo, I; Blazquez-Sanchez, N; Funez-Liebana, R; Romero-Gomez, C – 2021
In-hospital mortality among immunosuppressed patients with COVID-19: Analysis from a national cohort in Spain
Suarez-Garcia, I; Perales-Fraile, I; Gonzalez-Garcia, A; Munoz-Blanco, A; Manzano, L; Fabregate, M; Diez-Manglano, J; Aizpuru, EF; Fernandez, FA; Garcia, AG; Gomez-Huelgas, R; Ramos-Rincon, JM – 2021
Real-Life Impact of Glucocorticoid Treatment in COVID-19 Mortality: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Munoz-Gomez, A; Fernandez-Cruz, A; Lavilla-Olleros, C; Giner-Galvan, V; Ausin-Garcia, C; Wikman, P; Bendala-Estrada, AD; Vargas, JA; Rubio-Rivas, M; Laureiro, J; Fernandez-Bermudez, D; Buonaiuto, VA; de Larriva, AAP; Pascual-Perez, MD; Alcala-Pedrajas, JN; Ruiz, ALI; Hernandez-Milian, A; del Mazo, MG; Antequera, B; Mella-Perez, C; Navas-Alcantara, MD; Soto-Delgado, JF; Gamez-Mancera, RM; Sardina-Gonzalez, C; Meijide-Miguez, H; Ramos-Rincon, JM; Gomez-Huelgas, R; Network – 2021
Use of Different Food Classification Systems to Assess the Association between Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Cardiometabolic Health in an Elderly Population with Metabolic Syndrome (PREDIMED-Plus Cohort),
Martinez-Perez, C; San-Cristobal, R; Guallar-Castillon, P; Martinez-Gonzalez, MA; Salas-Salvado, J; Corella, D; Castaner, O; Martinez, JA; Alonso-Gomez, AM; Warnberg, J; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; Lopez-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Tinahones, FJ; Lapetra, J; Serra-Majem, L; Bueno-Cavanillas, A; Tur, JA; Sanchez, VM; Pinto, X; Gaforio, JJ; Matia-Martin, P; Vidal, J; Vazquez, C; Ros, E; Bes-Rastrollo, M; Babio, N; Sorli, JV; Lassale, C; Perez-Sanz, B; Vaquero-Luna, J; Bazan, MJA; Barcelo-Iglesias, MC; Konieczna, J; Rios, AG; Bernal-Lopez, MR; Santos-Lozano, JM; Toledo, E; Becerra-Tomas, N; Portoles, O; Zomeno, MD; Abete, I; Moreno-Rodriguez, A; Lecea-Juarez, O; Nishi, SK; Munoz-Martinez, J; Ordovas, JM; Daimiel, L – 2021
Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors for Mortality in Very Old Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in Spain
Ramos-Rincon, JM; Buonaiuto, V; Ricci, M; Martin-Carmona, J; Paredes-Ruiz, D; Calderon-Moreno, M; Rubio-Rivas, M; Beato-Perez, JL; Amalich-Fernandez, F; Monge-Monge, D; Vargas-Nunez, JA; Acebes-Repiso, G; Mendez-Bailon, M; Perales-Fraile, I; Garcia-Garcia, GM; Guisado-Vasco, P; Abdelhady-Kishta, A; Pascual-Perez, MDLR; Rodriguez-Fernandez-Viagas, C; Montano-Martinez, A; Lopez-Ruiz, A; Gonzalez-Juarez, MJ; Perez-Garcia, C; Casas-Rojo, JM; Gomez-Huelgas, R – 2021
Estimation of Admission D-dimer Cut-off Value to Predict Venous Thrombotic Events in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: Analysis of the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
Garcia-Cervera, C; Giner-Galvan, V; Wikman-Jorgensen, P; Laureiro, J; Rubio-Rivas, M; Arena, AG; Arnalich-Fernandez, F; Perez, JLB; Nunez, JAV; Igual, JJG; Diez-Manglano, J; Bailon, MM; Blanco, MJG; Castro, SJF; Lobo, JA; Manzano, L; Gamboa, JOM; Perez, LA; Moraleja, JG; Hernaiz, RC; Alegria, JG; Noya, AG; Huelgas, RG; Bermejo, CL; Santos, JMA – 2021
Real-World Data on the Adverse Metabolic Effects of Second-Generation Antipsychotics and Their Potential Determinants in Adult Patients: A Systematic Review of Population-Based Studies
Bernardo, M; Rico-Villademoros, F; Garcia-Rizo, C; Rojo, R; Gomez-Huelgas, R – 2021
Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Respiratory Failure in a Cohort of Young Patients Requiring Hospital Admission with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain: Results of the Multicenter SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
Diaz-Simon, R; Lalueza, A; Lora-Tamayo, J; Rubio-Rivas, M; Mendo, CL; Martinez, MLT; Mendez, CA; Fontan, PMP; Cruz, AF; Cabrera, JLR; Rodriguez, BC; Rubio, AE; de Avila, VSR; Garcia, GMG; Osorio, LC; Gonzalez-Fernandez, M; Noya, AG; Wittel, MB; Fernandez, FA; Sempere, VM; Artero, A; Loureiro-Amigo, J; Huelgas, RG; Santos, JMA; Lumbreras, C – 2021
Executive summary: Updates to the dietary treatment of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Fuster, VP; Perez, AP; Gomez, JC; Pedragos, AC; Gomez-Huelgas, R; Perez-Martinez, P – 2021
Recommendations on the comprehensive, multidimensional assessment of hospitalized elderly people. Position of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine
Maroto, IV; Romano, PC; Nogueroles, MCM; Matesanz-Fernandez, M; Perez-Belmonte, LM; Criado, IS; Gomez-Huelgas, R; Manglano, JD – 2021
Comorbidities and their implications in patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Findings from the rica registry
Arevalo-Lorido, JC; Carretero-Gomez, J; Gomez-Huelgas, R; Llacer, P; Manzano, L; Simon, MAQ; Villanueva, BR; Franco, AG; Cepeda, JM; Perez-Barquero, MM – 2021
Executive summary: Updates to the dietary treatment of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Fustera, VP; Perez, AP; Gomez, JC; Pedragos, AC; Gomez-Huelgas, R; Perez-Martinez, P – 2021
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Investigador ResponsableSerá Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.

Ricardo Gómez Huelgas
Correo electrónico: rgh@uma.es
Co-Investigadora ResponsableSerá Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.

María Rosa Bernal López
Correo electrónico: rosa.bernal@ibima.eu
Investigador/a SéniorSerá Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.
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Investigador/a Asistencial Colaborador/aSerá Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.
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Investigadores/as posdoctorales y/o juniorEsta etapa posdoctoral estará restringida a Investigadores del Instituto que tengan el título doctor y no contemplados en los perfiles posteriores. Durante su etapa posdoctoral pueden llegar a liderar proyectos de I+D+i como Investigadores Principales, aunque aún no hayan establecido un nivel significativo de independencia. Además, pueden tener actividades de docencia y/o asistencial más allá de su trabajo de investigación.
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Investigadores/as predoctorales y/o en formación
Los investigadores predoctorales y/o en formación serán aquellos investigadores que realizan investigaciones bajo supervisión en una línea de investigación orientada a la resolución de problemas de salud. Incluye aquellos investigadores que están cursando un doctorado (incluyendo a los contratados Río Hortega)
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