Investigación Clínica y Traslacional en Cáncer 

Lineas de Investigación

01.Investigación clínica-traslacional en cáncer de mama, próstata, ginecológicos digestivo y germinales

02.Investigación traslacional en identificación de marcadores epigenéticos/genéticos de fases tempranas del cáncer

03.Investigación en el uso de nuevas técnicas de diagnóstico (biopsia líquida…) y marcadores

04.Investigación en la relación de la microbiota y el cáncer

05.Investigación en real world data

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21-Gene Assay to Inform Chemotherapy Benefit in Node-Positive Breast Cancer

Kalinsky, K; Barlow, WE; Gralow, JR; Meric-Bernstam, F; Albain, KS; Hayes, DF; Lin, NU; Perez, EA; Goldstein, LJ; Chia, SKL; Dhesy-Thind, S; Rastogi, P; Alba, E; Delaloge, S; Martin, M; Kelly, CM; Ruiz-Borrego, M; Gil-Gil, M; Arce-Salinas, CH; Brain, EGC; Lee, ES; Pierga, JY; Bermejo, B; Ramos-Vazquez, M; Jung, KH; Ferrero, JM; Schott, AF; Shak, S; Sharma, P; Lew, DL; Miao, JL; Tripathy, D; Pusztai, L; Hortobagyi, GN – 2021

Original Research Health-related quality of life with palbociclib plus endocrine therapy versus capecitabine in postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer: Patient-reported outcomes in the PEARL study

Kahan, Z; Gil-Gil, M; Ruiz-Borrego, M; Carrasco, E; Ciruelos, E; Munoz, M; Bermejo, B; Margeli, M; Anton, A; Casas, M; Csoszi, T; Murillo, L; Morales, S; Calvo, L; Lang, I; Alba, E; de la Haba-Rodriguez, J; Ramos, M; Lopez, IA; Gal-Yam, E; Garcia-Palomo, A; Alvarez, E; Gonzalez-Santiago, S; Rodriguez, CA; Servitja, S; Corsaro, M; Rodrigalvarez, G; Zielinski, C; Martin, M – 2021

A Growth Modulation Index-Based GEISTRA Score as a New Prognostic Tool for Trabectedin Efficacy in Patients with Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcomas: A Spanish Group for Sarcoma Research (GEIS) Retrospective Study

Martinez-Trufero, J; De Sande-Gonzalez, LM; Luna, P; Martin-Broto, J; Alvarez, R; Marquina, G; Diaz-Beveridge, R; Poveda, A; Cano, JM; Cruz-Jurado, J; Pousa, AL; Salgado, MAV; Valverde-Morales, CM; Sevilla, I; Martinez-Garcia, J; Rubio-Casadevall, J; De Juan, A; Carrasco, JA; Moura, DS; Gurruchaga-Sotes, I; Gutierrez, A – 2021

Palbociclib in combination with endocrine therapy versus capecitabine in hormonal receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor 2-negative, aromatase inhibitor-resistant metastatic breast cancer: a phase III randomised controlled trial-PEARL

Martin, M; Zielinski, C; Ruiz-Borrego, M; Carrasco, E; Turner, N; Ciruelos, EM; Munoz, M; Bermejo, B; Margeli, M; Anton, A; Kahan, Z; Csoszi, T; Casas, MI; Murillo, L; Morales, S; Alba, E; Gal-Yam, E; Guerrero-Zotano, A; Calvo, L; de la Haba-Rodriguez, J; Ramos, M; Alvarez, I; Garcia-Palomo, A; Bartlett, CH; Koehler, M; Caballero, R; Corsaro, M; Huang, X; Garcia-Saenz, JA; Chacon, JI; Swift, C; Thallinger, C; Gil-Gil, M – 2021

Amivantamab in EGFR Exon 20 Insertion-Mutated Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Progressing on Platinum Chemotherapy: Initial Results From the CHRYSALIS Phase I Study

Park, K; Haura, EB; Leighl, NB; Mitchell, P; Shu, CA; Girard, N; Viteri, S; Han, JY; Kim, SW; Lee, CK; Sabari, JK; Spira, AI; Yang, TY; Kim, DW; Lee, KH; Sanborn, RE; Trigo, J; Goto, K; Lee, JS; Yang, JCH; Govindan, R; Bauml, JM; Garrido, P; Krebs, MG; Reckamp, KL; Xie, J; Curtin, JC; Haddish-Berhane, N; Roshak, A; Millington, D; Lorenzini, P; Thayu, M; Knoblauch, RE; Cho, BC – 2021

Health-related quality of life in patients with microsatellite instability-high or mismatch repair deficient metastatic colorectal cancer treated with first-line pembrolizumab versus chemotherapy (KEYNOTE-177): an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial

Andre, T; Amonkar, M; Norquist, JM; Shiu, KK; Kim, TW; Jensen, BV; Jensen, LH; Punt, CJA; Smith, D; Garcia-Carbonero, R; Sevilla, I; de la Fouchardiere, C; Rivera, F; Elez, E; Diaz, LA; Yoshino, T; Van utsem, E; Yang, P; Farooqui, M; Le, DT – 2021

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    Emilio Alba Conejo

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