Aparicio, J; Sanchez-Munoz, A; Ochenduszko, S; Guma, J; Fernandez-Aramburo, A; del Muro, XG; Quiroga, V; Sastre, J; Alonso-Gordoa, T; Sagastibelza, N; Maroto, P; de Liano, AG; Vazquez, S; Diz, P; Duran, I; Domenech, M; Pinto, A; Hernandez, A; Gonzalez-Billalabeitia, E; Terrasa, J – 2019
Treatment and Outcome of Patients with Stage IS Testicular Cancer: A Retrospective Study from the Spanish Germ Cell Cancer Group
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2019 | Publicaciones - B-01 | 0 Comentarios