ILIVE Project Volunteer study. Developing international consensus for a European Core Curriculum for hospital end-of-life-care volunteer services, to train volunteers to support patients in the last weeks of life: A Delphi study – PALLIATIVE MEDICINE

McGlinchey, Tamsin; Mason, Stephen R.; Smeding, Ruthmarijke; Goosensen, Anne; Ruiz-Torreras, Inmaculada; Haugen, Dagny Faksvag; Bakan, Misa; Ellershaw, John E. – 2022 – 10.1177/02692163211045305

Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units( SEMICYUC) and the Spanish Society of Pediatric Intensive Care (SECIP) consensusrecommendations for ECMO transportAbstract – MEDICINA INTENSIVA

Argudo, E.; Hernandez-Tejedor, A.; Belda Hofheinz, S.; Fuset, M. P.; Sanchez Galindo, A.; Burgueno, P.; Ballcels, J.; Duerto, J.; Morales Martinez, A.; Martinez-Martinez, M.; Morteruel Arizcuren, E.; Perez, F.; Diaz Vico, A.; Rubio Mateo-Sidron, J. A. – 2022...