High Rate of Inappropriate Antibiotics in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteremia following International Guideline Recommendations – MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM

Ver AutoresChumbita, Mariana; Puerta-Alcalde, Pedro; Yanez, Lucrecia; Angeles Cuesta, Maria; Chinea, Anabelle; Espanol-Morales, Ignacio; Fernandez-Abellan, Pascual; Gudiol, Carlota; Gonzalez-Sierra, Pedro; Rojas, Rafael; Sanchez-Pina, Jose Maria; Vadillo, Irene...

Immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: clinical suspicion and basic management in emergency departments – an expert review and consensus statement from the Spanish societies of hematology and hemotherapy (SEHH) and emergency medicine (SEMES) – EMERGENCIAS

Ver AutoresPascual-Izquierdo, Cristina; Pinera Salmeron, Pascual; Temboury Ruiz, Francisco; Valcarcel Ferreiras, David; Jimenez Hernandez, Sonia; Salinas Argente, Ramon; del Arco Galan, Carmen; de la Rubia Comos, Javier – 2023...