Lopez-Medrano, Francisco; Alfayate, Santiago; Carratala, Jordi; Chamorro-Camazon, Judith; Cordero, Elisa; Cruz-Canete, Marta; Fernandez-Prada, Maria; Garcia-Cenoz, Manuel; Marcos, Maria Angeles; Melon, Santiago; Moreno-Millan, Nemesio; Onieva-Garcia, Maria Angeles; de Lejarazu, Raul Ortiz; Perez-Martin, Jaime Jesus; Rodriguez-Garcia, Juan; Schwarz-Chavarri, German; Tagarro-Garcia, Alfredo; van Esso-Arbolave, Diego; Viasus, Diego; Pumarola, Tomas – 2023 – 10.1016/j.eimc.2022.10.010
Executive summary. Diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of influenza virus infection. Consensus statement of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC), the Spanish Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (SEIP), the Spanish Association of Vaccinology (AEV), the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC) and the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Health Management (SEMPSPGS) – ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA
por prodriguez | Ene 1, 2023 | Guias de Practica Clinica | 0 Comentarios
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