Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Forensic Odontology
Lines of Research
02.Forensic odontology
03.Forensic genetics
04.Mineralised samples subjected to thermal stress
05.Forensic toxicology
06.Medical ethics
07.Training and education in medicine and health sciences
STOP, STop intimate partner viOlence in Pregnancy
Stella Martín de las Heras – – UNIÓN EUROPEA – European Commission – 2019
E-health psychological intervention in pregnant women exposed to intimate partner violence (eIPV): A protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial – PLOS ONE
Zapata-Calvente, AL; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; Cavanillas, AB; Andreasen, K; Rasch, V; Khan, KS – 2023 – 10.1371/journal.pone.0282997
How much does a forensic autopsy cost in Spain? – FORENSIC SCIENCE MEDICINE AND PATHOLOGY
Martín-Cazorla, F; Ramos-Medina, V; Rubio-Lamia, L; Santos-Amaya, I; Jódar-Sánchez, F – 2023 – 10.1007/s12024-022-00534-w
Partners in Postmortem Interval Estimation: X-ray Diffraction and Fourier Transform Spectroscopy. – INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
Rubio, L; Suarez, J; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; Zapico, SC – 2023 – 10.3390/ijms24076793
Video Consultations and Safety App Targeting Pregnant Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence in Denmark and Spain: Nested Cohort Intervention Study (STOP Study) – JMIR FORMATIVE RESEARCH
Andreasen, K; Zapata-Calvente, AL; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; Bueno-Cavanillas, A; Schei, B; Dokkedahl, S; de León, SD; Lopez, RF; Oviedo-Gutiérrez, A; Ankerstjerne, LBS; Megias, JL; Khan, KS; Rasch, V; Linde, DS – 2023 – 10.2196/38563
Comorbidities and autopsy findings of COVID-19 deaths and their association with time to death: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Martin-Martin, J; Martin-Cazorla, F; Suarez, J; Rubio, L; Martin-de-las-Heras, S – 2022
How much does a forensic autopsy cost in Spain?
Martin-Cazorla, F; Ramos-Medina, V; Rubio-Lamia, L; Santos-Amaya, I; Jodar-Sanchez, F – 2022
Instruments to measure skills and knowledge of physicians and medical students in palliative care: A systematic review of psychometric properties;
Lopez-Garcia, M; Rubio, L; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; Suarez, J; Perez-Carceles, MD; Martin-Martin, J – 2022
Palliative care knowledge test for nurses and physicians: validation and cross-cultural adaptation.
Lopez-Garcia, M; Rubio, L; Gomez-Garcia, R; Sanchez-Sanchez, F; Miyashita, M; Medina-Abellan, MD; Perez-Carceles, MD – 2022
Propensity score analysis of psychological intimate partner violence and preterm birth
Martin-de-las-Heras, S; Khan, KS; Velasco, C; Cano, A; Luna, JD; Rubio, L – 2022
Screening for intimate partner violence during pregnancy: a test accuracy study
Zapata-Calvente, AL; Megias, JL; Velasco, C; Cano, A; Khan, KS; Rubio, L; Martin-de-las-Heras, S – 2022
The Perfect Match: Assessment of Sample Collection Efficiency for Immunological and Molecular Findings in Different Types of Fabrics
Zapico, SC; Dytso, A; Rubio, L; Roca, G – 2022
Women survivors of intimate partner violence talk about using e-health during pregnancy: a focus group study
Lopez, RF; De-Leon-de-Leon, S; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; Cantero, JCT; Megias, JL; Zapata-Calvente, AL – 2022
Evidence of Atlantic bluefin tuna spawning in the Bay of Biscay, north-eastern Atlantic
Rodriguez, JM; Johnstone, C; Lozano-Peral, D – 2021
Genetic connectivity between Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae spawned in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Mediterranean Sea
Johnstone, C; Perez, M; Malca, E; Quintanilla, JM; Gerard, T; Lozano-Peral, D; Alemany, F; Lamkin, J; Garcia, A; Laiz-Carrion, R – 2021
Genetic connectivity between Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae spawned in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Mediterranean Sea
Johnstone, C; Perez, M; Malca, E; Quintanilla, JM; Gerard, T; Lozano-Peral, D; Alemany, F; Lamkin, J; Garcia, A; Laiz-Carrion, R – 2021
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Palliative Care in Cancer Patients in Spain
Beltran-Aroca, CM; Ruiz-Montero, R; Llergo-Munoz, A; Rubio, L; Girela-Lopez, E – 2021
Physicians’ and Nurses’ Knowledge in Palliative Care: Multidimensional Regression Models,
Martin-Martin, J; Lopez-Garcia, M; Medina-Abellan, MD; Beltran-Aroca, CM; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; Rubio, L; Perez-Carceles, MD – 2021
Recombinant IGF-1 Induces Sex-Specific Changes in Bone Composition and Remodeling in Adult Mice with Pappa2 Deficiency
Rubio, L; Vargas, A; Rivera, P; Lopez-Gambero, AJ; Tovar, R; Christians, JK; Martin-de-las-Heras, S; de Fonseca, FR; Chowen, JA; Argente, J; Suarez, J – 2021
Sex-specific behavioral and neurogenic responses to cocaine in mice lacking and blocking dopamineD1or dopamineD2receptors
Rivera, P; Aranda, J; Alen, F; Vargas, A; Serrano, A; Pavon, FJ; Orio, L; Rubio, L; Moratalla, R; de Fonseca, FR; Suarez, J – 2021
Sudden cessation of fluoxetine before alcohol drinking reinstatement alters microglial morphology and TLR4/inflammatory neuroadaptation in the rat brain..
Aranda, J; Fernandez-Arjona, MD; Alen, F; Rivera, P; Rubio, L; Smith-Fernandez, I; Pavon, FJ; Serrano, A; Serrano-Castro, PJ; de Fonseca, FR; Suarez, J – 2021
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Investigadora ResponsableSerá Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.
Stella Martín de las Heras
Investigador/a SéniorSerá Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.
Perfil investigador: R3
Investigadores/as posdoctorales y/o juniorEsta etapa posdoctoral estará restringida a Investigadores del Instituto que tengan el título doctor y no contemplados en los perfiles posteriores. Durante su etapa posdoctoral pueden llegar a liderar proyectos de I+D+i como Investigadores Principales, aunque aún no hayan establecido un nivel significativo de independencia. Además, pueden tener actividades de docencia y/o asistencial más allá de su trabajo de investigación.
Perfil investigador: R2
Perfil investigador: R2
Investigadores/as predoctorales y/o en formación
Los investigadores predoctorales y/o en formación serán aquellos investigadores que realizan investigaciones bajo supervisión en una línea de investigación orientada a la resolución de problemas de salud. Incluye aquellos investigadores que están cursando un doctorado (incluyendo a los contratados Río Hortega)
Perfil investigador: R1
Technical staff
Los investigadores predoctorales y/o en formación serán aquellos investigadores que realizan investigaciones bajo supervisión en una línea de investigación orientada a la resolución de problemas de salud. Incluye aquellos investigadores que están cursando un doctorado (incluyendo a los contratados Río Hortega)