
What is Responsible Research and Innovation?

Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) is an internationally established perspective that involves joint action by stakeholders in Research and Innovation. Its goal is to work together to align processes and results that generate real impact by incorporating scientific and technological advances in the health of citizens and the economic environment. Responsible Research & Innovation is based on six fundamental pillars:

Responsible Research & Innovation is based on six fundamental pillars:

Citizen participation

As a collaborative process, all actors in society are invited to actively participate, playing a leading and decisive role during the different phases of research and innovation, fostering an inclusive approach

– II Torneo benéfico de Fútbol 7. Participación de 17 equipos y más de 300 personas, incluyendo un equipo infantil.

– Jornadas informativas para la sociedad con motivo del Día Mundial de la Salud, junto al Ayuntamiento de Málaga.

– Jornada del Día Mundial Sin Tabaco en colaboración con Opplus.


Gender equality

Support for gender balance in a transversal manner across the various bodies that make up the Institute, directly integrating women in all R&D actions and decision-making processes.
The Institute's objective is to tirelessly work towards gender equality. To achieve this, it has implemented an Equality Plan that places the woman scientist at the center of its roadmap, promoting the integration of women in decision-making and leadership positions. Some activities within this pillar have been related to:

Jornada enmarcado en el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia 2024.

– 5 de nuestras investigadoras seleccionadas entre las “Cien malagueñas más influyentes”.

– Premio a la mejor investigadora emergente del año de la convocatoria del Plan Propio IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND.

Scientific education

Access for future researchers and other actors in society to have the most optimal tools and capabilities to participate directly in the research and innovation process, awakening scientific vocations and the ability of citizens to enrich the scientific debate between professionals and society

– Jornada ‘Acercando la ciencia a las escuelas’ junto con Farmaindustria

– Noche Europea de los Investigadores.

– Festival ‘Pint of Science’



Research and innovation must respect fundamental rights and the highest ethical standards

– Code of Ethics and Good Practices in Research

– Ethical committees: CEIm and CEUMA

– HRS4R Certification: Human Resources Strategy for Research

– UNE 166002 Certification: R&D&I Management System

– Good Clinical Practices (GCP)

– Corporate Compliance System

Open access

Responsible research and innovation must be accessible and transparent and the results of publicly funded research must be freely available

– Publicaciones en Open Access del instituto disponibles en los repositorios institucionales de la Salud de Andalucía RISalud y del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, REPISALUD.

– Premio Investigación e Innovación responsable (RRI) 2024 del Instituto de Salud Carlos III

– Implementación de políticas de acceso abierto para datos de investigación.


Entities of Responsible Research and Innovation must promote citizen participation in their advisory and governance bodies

– La Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer como miembro del Comité Científico Interno.

– Participación de asociaciones de pacientes en la elaboración del Plan Estratégico y en la priorización de las líneas estratégicas.

– Acreditación como Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III (desde 2015)