
The IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND’s R&D&I Plan has been developed with the main objective of incentivising its researchers’ work using its own funds. It operates as a complementary plan to the University of Málaga’s Research and Transfer Plan; the Research, Development and Innovation Plans of the Andalusian Community (PAIDI) and other national and international R&D&I plans. Its main lines of action in 2024 focus on the international mobility of professionals, fostering internal collaborations—publications, support for scientific areas—and recognising their work.


The call for visits by IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND professionals at highly competitive research centres aims to promote and encourage the mobility of young specialist physicians; predoctoral, postdoctoral, emerging and other researchers; physicians and nursing staff; physical therapists; and professionals that belong to IBIMA ECAIs (Research Support Services) for visits aimed at keeping their knowledge up-to-date or learning new research techniques and methods



This action aims to foster relationships among the institutions and/or areas that form part of IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND and to increase the scientific production published in Open Access (OA) publications resulting from these collaborations.


The purpose of this funding is to strengthen the conduct of research, promotion and innovation actions among the various IBIMA groups that form part of each research area. Each area has €10,000 at its disposal that can be allocated through a competitive call or directly assigned to a priority project, an emerging group, etc., bearing in mind that funds can only be allocated to members who form part of the corresponding areas.



The purpose of this aid is to support the implementation of innovation and technological development projects, as well as the development of actions that promote the valorization of technologies and their transfer to the market and/or implementation.


Assistance for reviewing and writing research proposals coordinated under the Horizon Europe Programme or similar programs in complexity and prestige.



  • Call
  • Forms
  • Resolution