Researcher Career

Map of the Research Career in Spain and Andalusia

Below is a diagram depicting the main funding opportunities available at the State and Andalusian level in which the Institute participates for the recruitment of researchers

Researcher Career path in Spain at a glance! (6th edition):

myIDP Free tool for professional planning aimed at supporting pre and postdoctoral researchers in sciences to define their career goals

Career Orientation tool:: Tool for self-analysis of motivations and identification of actions and resources to boost the research career

PIPERS Project Career KitTraining resources on topics related to the development of soft skills, such as entrepreneurship, intellectual property, leadership skills, research career management, professional development, etc

Discover: careers beyond academia: Information about different sectors, jobs, and required competencies, career planning, testimonials from researchers working outside the academic sector


Editor de Currículum Vitae Normalizado (CVN):

Model by FECYT. An online application that enables researchers to create a curriculum in the Normalized Curriculum Vitae format (CVN) and export it to the Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae format (CVA)