International Talent

Guide for Managing the Mobility of Foreign Researchers in Spain:

Provides information for foreign researchers coming to Spain, such as the processing of residence permits, the Social Security and unemployment system, the recognition of academic qualifications, and the rights of protection for R&D

More information 

Euraxess Service for Information and Assistance for Foreigners in Europe

Euraxess SPAIN: Portal you will find information on job and funding opportunities and on administrative procedures that affect researchers and their families when moving to a foreign country. We also provide assistance in career development matters


Movilidad y Estancias

Desde IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND apostamos por la formación de nuestros investigadores, apoyándolos en la obtención de fondos para movilidad y estancias a nivel internacional, con el objetivo de hacerlas más competitivas.

Para consultar las estancias disponibles, por favor, haz clic en el botón de abajo.