HR Strategy
The Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga and Nanomedicine Platform, IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND , holds the "HR Excellence in Research" award, a recognition granted by the European Commission to research institutions that implement the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in their human resources policies and practices (C&C)
These 40 principles cover:
- $Ethical and professional aspects
- $Recruitment
- $Working conditions and social security
- $Training
IBIMA Plataforma Bionand submitted an application to join this European strategy in 2016. An internal analysis was submitted which compared the institution’s practices with those recommended by the Code of Conduct for Hiring as well as an Action Plan for implementing practices that were not followed. The European Commission recognized IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND's effort and interest in implementing this policy and strategy by granting the “HR Excellence in Research” seal in 2017. Over the following two years (2018-2019), IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND worked on implementing its first Action Plan. In 2019, an internal self-assessment was conducted and the action plan was updated with new proposed actions and the feedback of the European Commission in order to continue with its implementation over the next three years (2019-2022).
Con objeto de renovar el reconocimiento “HR Excellence in Research”the 2023 el Instituto recibió la visita de los asesores europeos que valoraron la implementación realizada y las futuras acciones a implementar, otorgando la renovación del reconocimiento HR para los próximos 3 años.

Related documentation
The Human Resources Unit provides its employees with the following documents that may be of interest in their employment relationship with the Institute.
Personnel Selection Policy (OTM-R Policy)
Worker induction manual (English version)
Protocol for addressing discrimination, moral or sexual harassment at work
Occupational Health and Safety
The occupational risk prevention plan aims to reflect the guidelines to follow in order to ensure staff are involved in the entity’s risk prevention policy and participate in managing risk prevention in a way that takes advantage of the capacities of all involved as well as providing education and information to all staff involved in it.
This occupational risk prevention plan has been created according to article 16 of the Occupational Risk Prevention Law (modification enacted by Law 54/2003, of December 12), which establishes the duty to include prevention in the entity’s general management system by including the organizational structure, responsibilities, functions, practices, procedures, processes, and resources necessary for the implementation and application of occupational risk prevention.
Below is a list of the functions and responsibilities regarding prevention that are included in the plan. They must be implemented within the scope of each employee’s competences as well as in the Institute’s risk prevention policy.
Furthermore, any incident that prevents an employee from performing their functions or assuming the responsibility that these functions entail must be reported immediately to the Risk Prevention Coordinator at his or her workplace.
Related documents:
Occupational Health and Safety Policy (OH&S Policy)
Suggestion box
Online suggestion box for the HR Excellence in Research
This mailbox is a tool made available to the members of IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND with the purpose of receiving any observations and suggestions they may deem appropriate regarding any aspect covered in the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers being implemented at the Institute