Proyecto de Investigación


Financed by: European Commission

Program: EU4H-PJG / EU4H-2022-PJ-3

Project Reference: 101129375

Role in the project: Partner 

Duration: December 2023 to November 2026


Contact: Marilina García Aranda

Implementation Centre: Costa del Sol Hospital

Research group of IBIMA involved: Translational Research in Cancer and Other Prevalent Chronic Diseases


The INTERACT-EUROPE100 project aims at implementing the Inter-specialty Cancer Training (ISCT) curriculum developed under the INTERACT-EUROPE project. The objective of the ISCT programme isto foster a patient-centric approach to quality cancer care through the promotion of multidisciplinary and multi-professional teams working across Europe. The project will critically review the current state of inter-specialty training resources, identify existing quality learning materials and produce innovative learning resources to meet the requirements of the ISCT curriculum and ensure the needs of oncology patients across Europe are addressed. In the framework of the project, two new modules focusing on paediatric oncology and the specific needs of Ukrainian displaced healthcare professionals and people in care will be developed. A dedicated digital learning management system adapted to the needs of oncology professionals will be established to support the decentralised implementation of the ISCT programme for trainers and trainees at the national level. The activities linked to the training of trainers will target experts in the fields of clinical oncology, surgery, radiation oncology, cancer nursing and other specialised staff from at least 100 cancer centres in Europe and will ensure the future sustainability of the ISCT programme in EU Members States. Local and international events for trainers will facilitate the exchange of best learning practices and establish an EU network of inter-specialty cancer trainers to achieve best patient outcomes.
