Methodological and Statistical Advising

The objective of this research advising platform is centred on developing the full potential of research groups to generate data that are crucial for detecting, solving, and preventing problems related to patients’ health. It offers specialised biomathematical support that provides scientific rigour as well as special care in regards to design, implementation, and analysis. It provides scientific support for work that serves as a bridge between clinical and translational research


Methodological and epidemiological

  • =Methodological advising and/or review of research protocols
  • =Analysis of the reasons behind the rejection of any projects
  • =Review of scientific articles

Statistical advising

  • =Sampling and sample size calculation
  • =Descriptive data analysis
  • =Inferential analysis (bivariate and multivariate)
  • =Support in the use of free software for statistical analysis
  • =Review of scientific articles

Advice to research
de investigación

  • =Knowledge of the work done by research groups in order to support starting lines of research or clinical innovation and to identify and promote possible interunit, intercenter, or international collaborations
  • =Support for research group staff on the use of their data as well as on the dissemination of experiment results in national and international forums
  • =Advising research groups on research interests in order to define aims and design appropriate strategies for achieving them

Training activities related to methodology and statistics

Training activities

  • =Training in research methodology
  • =Training in the use of free access software for statistical data analysis
  • =Training in advanced statistics
  • =Training in the preparation of a scientific manuscript for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals
  • =Training in critical reading of scientific literature
  • =Specific training courses based on the needs of researchers


Rita Pérez González

Methodological and Statistical Advisory Technician

Contact: 636 725 473 |