IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND has hosted a training day held within the framework of the strategic alliance between the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and Roche Farma España since the end of 2022.
The Andalusia-Roche Alliance in Precision Medical Neurology is working on the development and application of molecular and imaging biomarkers to offer a comprehensive and personalised approach to neurological diseases.
Within the framework of the alliance for the development of research projects in the field of neurosciences between the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Andalusian Regional Government and Roche Farma España, a training day on Personalised Precision Medicine in Neurology was recently held at the IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND research centre in Malaga, and accredited by the Andalusian Health Quality Agency (Agencia de Calidad Sanitaria de Andalucía).
This conference, which was attended by some thirty researchers linked to the Alliance from different Andalusian health centres, presented relevant developments in the field of Precision Medical Neurology at a national level, highlighting the introduction to the basic concepts of precision and personalised medicine; its application in neurodegenerative diseases; applied pharmacogenetics; artificial intelligence linked to health outcomes; updating molecular biology concepts and the development of biomarkers; clinical and molecular genetics in neurological diseases; and, specifically, artificial intelligence linked to health outcomes: applied pharmacogenetics; artificial intelligence linked to health outcomes; the updating of molecular biology concepts and the development of biomarkers; clinical and molecular genetics in neurological diseases; and, specifically, genetically-based epilepsies.
The day also served to share strategies and results of the different groups that make up the Alliance, as well as to see first-hand the facilities and infrastructures of the Malaga centre. Specifically, the visit to the SIMOA, a state-of-the-art technological infrastructure acquired within the framework of the Alliance, was particularly noteworthy. This ultra-sensitive analyser will enable the detection of biomarkers in a more precise way, representing an important advance in the early detection and knowledge of neurological diseases. This scientific-technical service is available to any member of the scientific community.
Andalusia-Roche Precision Medical Neurology Alliance
The Andalusia-Roche Alliance for Precision Medical Neurology was created at the end of 2022 with the aim of developing research projects that enable the implementation of personalised medicine in the field of neurology. To this end, it promotes the development and application of molecular and imaging biomarkers that enable a comprehensive and personalised approach to be offered, a line of work that is already underway and has so far mobilised investments of around one million euros.
It also aims to define a scientific programme in Precision Medical Neurology that will deepen our knowledge of neurological diseases, with the support of leading professionals from the Andalusian public health system, who will be joined by young researchers, in a project that is intended to continue thanks to public-private collaboration.
The Andalusia-Roche Alliance for Precision Medical Neurology is a public-private initiative whose scientific activity will be led by the coordinator of NeuroReca, Pedro Serrano, head of the Neurology Unit at the Regional Hospital of Malaga.
This alliance currently involves around twenty neuroscience professionals, both in the field of research and care, from different provinces of Andalusia.
The projects and initiatives developed within the framework of this alliance will be structured through NeuroReca, the Andalusian Network for Clinical and Translational Research in Neurology, thus optimising the synergies that already exist within the Andalusian Public Health System.