Consensus document for the determination and reporting of the lipid profile in Spanish clinical laboratories: What parameters should a basic lipid profile include? – ADVANCES IN LABORATORY MEDICINE-AVANCES EN MEDICINA DE LABORATORIO

Ver AutoresArrobas Velilla, Teresa; Guijarro, Carlos; Campuzano Ruiz, Raquel; Rodriguez Pinero, Manuel; Valderrama Marcos, Jose Francisco; Perez Perez, Antonio; Botana Lopez, Manuel Antonio; Morais Lopez, Ana; Garcia Donaire, Jose Antonio; Carlos Obaya, Juan; Castilla...

Management of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Antibiotic Allergy: Executive Summary of Guidelines from the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC), the Spanish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) and the Spanish Society of Intensive Medicine and Coronary Care Units (SEMICYUC) – JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIONAL ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY

Ver AutoresPano-Pardo, J. R.; Moreno, Rodilla E.; Cobo, Sacristan S.; Cubero, Saldana J. L.; Perianez, Parraga L.; del Pozo, Leon J. L.; Retamar-Gentil, P.; Rodriguez, Oviedo A.; Torres, Jaen M. J.; Vidal-Cortes, P.; Colas, Sanz C. – 2023 –...

Treatment of hypertriglyceridaemia with icosapent ethyl in patients with high/very high cardiovascular risk. Consensus document of the Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia [Spanish Society of Cardiology] and the Sociedad Espanola de Diabetes [Spanish Diabetes Society] – ENDOCRINOLOGIA DIABETES Y NUTRICION

Ver AutoresPedro-Botet, Juan; Barrios, Vivencio; Sanchez-Margalet, Victor; Tamargo, Juan; Arrieta, Francisco; Ma Gamez, Jose; Gimeno-Orna, Jose Antonio; Escobar, Carlos; Gomez-Doblas, Juan Jose; Perez, Antonio – 2023 –...

Consensus document of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and the Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics for vaccination of immunosuppressed individuals. – ANALES DE PEDIATRIA

Ver AutoresRivero Calle, Irene; Del Rosal Rabes, Teresa; Garrote Llanos, Elisa; Nunez Cuadros, Esmeralda; Navarro Gomez, Maria Luisa; Ramos Amador, Jose Tomas; Calvo, Cristina; Alvarez Garcia, Francisco – 2023 –...