Mediterranean Diet, Energy Restriction, Physical Activity, and Atherogenicity of Very-Low Density Lipoproteins: Findings from Two Randomized Controlled Trials. – MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH

Perez-Vega, KA; Castaner, O; Sanllorente, A; Lassale, C; Ros, E; Pinto, X; Estruch, R; Salas-Salvado, J; Corella, D; Alonso-Gomez, AM; Serra-Majem, L; Razquin, C; Fiol, M; Lapetra, J; Gomez-Gracia, E; Tinahones, FJ; Hernaez, A; Fito, M – 2023 –...

Prevalence, risk factors and evolution of diabetes mellitus after treatment in primary aldosteronism. Results from the SPAIN-ALDO registry – JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION

Araujo-Castro, M; Fano, MP; Peris, BP; Boillos, MG; Pascual-Corrales, E; Cano, AMG; Ramirez, PP; Rojas-Marcos, PM; Ruiz-Sanchez, JG; Delgado, AV; Hoyos, EG; Ferreira, R; Sanz, IG; Sala, MR; San Millan, RB; Cesar, MJP; Guardiola, PD; Perdomo, CM; Miguelez, LM; Centeno,...