Use of Different Food Classification Systems to Assess the Association between Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Cardiometabolic Health in an Elderly Population with Metabolic Syndrome (PREDIMED-Plus Cohort),

Martinez-Perez, C; San-Cristobal, R; Guallar-Castillon, P; Martinez-Gonzalez, MA; Salas-Salvado, J; Corella, D; Castaner, O; Martinez, JA; Alonso-Gomez, AM; Warnberg, J; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; Lopez-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Tinahones, FJ; Lapetra, J; Serra-Majem, L;...

Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Respiratory Failure in a Cohort of Young Patients Requiring Hospital Admission with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain: Results of the Multicenter SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

Diaz-Simon, R; Lalueza, A; Lora-Tamayo, J; Rubio-Rivas, M; Mendo, CL; Martinez, MLT; Mendez, CA; Fontan, PMP; Cruz, AF; Cabrera, JLR; Rodriguez, BC; Rubio, AE; de Avila, VSR; Garcia, GMG; Osorio, LC; Gonzalez-Fernandez, M; Noya, AG; Wittel, MB; Fernandez, FA; Sempere,...