Patient-Centric blOod saMpling FOr impRoved healThcare (Project-COMFORT)

Financed by: European Commission

Program: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-04-02

Project Reference: 101163781

Role in the project: Partner

Duration:  42 Months 


Contact: Manuel Macías González

Implementation Centre: Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital 

Research group of IBIMA involved: Obesity, Diabetes and their Comorbidities: Prevention and Treatment


Health systems are facing a time of unprecedented change, with spiraling costs, increasing cultural disparities in access to healthcare and research, and an infrastructure that is decades old. Today, telehealth presents a realistic alternative, making care and research more accessible and personalized with less burden, better supporting the most vulnerable members of society. The ability to test and monitor for illnesses using Patient Centric microSampling (PCmS) is at the center of this reform.

This proposal aims to build upon existing pilots and knowledge, collaborating cross-sectorally to co-create and test the logistics, infrastructure, and tools required to make PCmS a core healthcare tool and an acceptable alternative to venous blood draws across Europe. The project aligns with many IHI’s objectives, focusing on cross-sectorial collaboration, emphasizing patient and end-user-centric co-design of outputs, harmonized regulatory and data generation approaches, enhancing the potential of digital innovations in healthcare, while also aiming to reduce the environmental footprint during the project and in final outputs. This will ensure that the expected long-term impact becomes a reachable reality, delivering significant benefits to the community and addressing unmet public health needs at scale.

The specific objectives are to:

  1. Create an optimized ‘Gold Standard’ infrastructure and workflow for PCmS across Europe as a proven and reliable alternative to venipuncture.
  2. Establish harmonized and clear regulatory and HTA pathways, standards, and acceptability measures, along with cost-benefit models across Europe.
  3. Gather definitive evidence to set a citable ‘line in the sand’ for future research, supporting decisions to integrate PCmS into decentralized trials and care pathways.
  4. Build a foundation for the future: Enable access to the developed PCmS scientific findings, tools, and assessment measures for the rapid uptake and integration of PCmS approaches into decentralized clinical studies and healthcare.
