Organisational Chart

The IBIMA Plataform BIONAND Board of Directors is the Institute's highest governing body. It currently has six members:

Organisational Chart

Áurea Morillo García

Secretaria General de Salud Pública e I+D+i en Salud de la Consejería de Salud y Consumo. Junta de Andalucía

Valle García Sánchez

Managing Director of the Andalusian Health Service. Regional Government of Andalusia

Antonio Posadas Chinchilla

General Secretary for Research and Innovation of the Ministry of University, Research and Innovation. Regional Government of Andalusia

Loreto del Valle Cebada

General Director of Research Planning. Ministry of University, Research and Innovation

Pedro Jesús Maireles Torres

Vice Rector of Research and Scientific Outreach. University of Malaga

Natalia García Casares

Delegate of the Rector for Health-Related Relations. University of Malaga