Arrobas Velilla, Teresa; Guijarro, Carlos; Campuzano Ruiz, Raquel; Rodriguez Pinero, Manuel; Valderrama Marcos, Jose Francisco; Perez Perez, Antonio; Botana Lopez, Manuel Antonio; Morais Lopez, Ana; Garcia Donaire, Jose Antonio; Carlos Obaya, Juan; Castilla Guerra, Luis; Pallares Carratala, Vicente; Egocheaga Cabello, Isabel; Salgueira Lazo, Mercedes; Castellanos Rodrigo, Maria Mar; Mostaza Prieto, Jose Maria; Gomez Doblas, Juan Jose; Buno Soto, Antonio – 2023 – 10.1515/almed-2023-0010
Consensus document for the determination and reporting of the lipid profile in Spanish clinical laboratories: What parameters should a basic lipid profile include? – ADVANCES IN LABORATORY MEDICINE-AVANCES EN MEDICINA DE LABORATORIO
by prodriguez | Jan 1, 2023 | Guias de Practica Clinica | 0 comments
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