European Nutritional Phenotype Assessment and Data Sharing Initiative

Financed by : Instituto de Salud Carlos III – ISCIII

Program : JPI HDHL ENPADASI 2014

Grant Agreement ID: JPI-HDHL-2014-2

Role in the project: Collaborator

Duration: January 2015 to November 2016

Contact: Rojo Martínez, Gemma

Implementation Centre: Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga

Research group of IBIMA involved: Endocrinology and Nutrition, Diabetes, and Obesity 


Nutritional Phenotype Databases containing large amount of phenotypic data linked to genotypic and dietary and environmental patterns are necessary for nutrient-gene interactions studies and phenotypic change assessment. However, different national dietary or phenotype databases need to be merged into large, harmonised mega-databases in a standardised manner to increase their statistical power and provide better cross-border comparisons for identifying dietary and environmental patterns effects on health and disease outcomes. Only by operating at such a scale the understanding for the role of genes, nutrients and phenotypes in the initiation, development and progression of risk factors for diet-related chronic disease can be optimised.

Aim of the call
The main objective of the ENPADASI Knowledge Hub (KH) was to deliver an open access research infrastructure containing data from a wide variety of nutritional studies, ranging from mechanistic/interventions to epidemiological studies including a multitude of phenotypic outcomes that facilitates integrated analyses.
The networking programme of ENPADASI focussed on three main areas of activities:

      • Database development. Basic functions to share and analyse standardised data are already available. The ambition was to make ENPADASI the leading system for big-data storage assessment and sharing in nutritional research. Investments to develop the system encompassing new functions such as shared analysis modules, sharing of images, etc were required.
      • Integrating existing databases in the ENPADASI. In order to make full use of the system, datasets from nationally and European funded research projects were linked.
      • Training sessions for young researchers. Researchers were trained to learn how to work with the system.