
One of the main objectives of the IBIMA BIONAND Platform is the coordination and development of the training offer with the entities that make up the Institute, representing the interests of its members and positioning itself as a vehicle to achieve its scientific objective, based on a quality training offer aligned with the training needs of its members at any stage of their professional career.

Lifelong learning

They aim to provide professionals with the optimal knowledge for the development of their activity and the development of their skills in the new environments in which they are currently working in the biomedical field, promoting excellence in health services.


The Institute offers coordination and development of training activities specially designed to improve scientific and technical knowledge, seeking applicability in its environment, reflected in the transmission of results, the transfer of research, the promotion of internationalisation and a commitment to innovation.


IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND apuesta por fortalecer los lazos de unión entre sus miembros con la organización de un ciclo de seminarios encaminados a compartir ideas y generar sinergias entre profesionales, ofreciendo la posibilidad de mantener reuniones con expertos nacionales e internacionales en las múltiples áreas de conocimiento dentro de la biomedicina. Para más información, pueden contactar con Formación IBIMA a través del correo electrónico