Research projects

Active Projects


Financed by : European Union Program : H2020-EU.1.3.3. – Stimulating innovation by means of cross-fertilization of knowledge (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018) Grant Agreement ID: 823871  Role in the project: Partner Duration: January 2019 to June 2024   Contact: Mayoral...


Financed by: European Union Programme: IMI2: CALL 10-INNOVATIVE MEDICINES INITIATIVE 2017 Grant Agreement ID:  777389 Rol in the project: Partner Duration: May 2018 to May 2024   Contact: Urda Cardona, Antonio Luis Implementation Centre: Hospital Regional...


Financed by: European Union Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.7. – Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2): H2020-JTI-IMI2-2017-13-two-stage Rol in the project: Partner Grant Agreement ID:  821283-2 Duration: February 2019 to January 2025   Contact: Andrade Bellido, Raúl...



Financed by: European Union Programme: H2020- Call: MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE: INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIPS- EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIPS 2020     Grant agreement ID: 101027955 Start date: 10/09/2021 End date: 09/09/2024 Beneficiary: Cecilia Frecha Supervisor: María José Torres Jaén...



Financed by: European Commission Program: H2020-EU.3.1. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Health, demographic change and well-being Project Reference: 965313 Role in the project: Partner Duration: March 2023 to February 2026   Contact: Manuel Enrique Herrera Gutierrez...


Financed by: European Commission Program: Cluster Health - HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05 Project Reference: 101137464 Role in the project: Affiliated entity Duration: December 2023 to November 2028   Contact: Miriam Rol Implementation Centre: Hospital Universitario Virgen...


Financed by: Gobierno de Cantabria - Conserjerería de Economía, Hacienda y Fondos Europeos. Program: Interreg SUDOE: Interreg VI-B Sudoe 2023. Promover la cohesión social y el equilibrio territorial y demográfico en el SUDOE a través de la innovación social, la...



Financiado por: La Comisión Europea Programa: EU4H-PJG / EU4H-2022-PJ-3 ID del proyecto: 101129375 Rol: Socio Duración: De Diciembre del 2023 a Noviembre del 2026   Contacto: Marilina García Aranda Centro de Implementación: Hospital Costa del Sol Grupo de...


Financed by: European Commission Program: EU4H-2022-PJ-4/EU4H-2022-PJ-15 Project Reference: 101128437 Role in the project: Partner  Duration: December 2023 to May 2025   Contact: Jose Luis García Cano Implementation Centre: Centro de Emergencias Sanitarias 061...

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