Cell Biology Laboratory
The General Laboratory of Cellular Biology is located in the Regional University Hospital of Málaga, the Civil Hospital, and the Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital. It offers comprehensive common use facilities for the different groups and external users who may require it. All researchers who are part of IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND have access to the facilities. There is a reservation system for equipment or services
Facilities and equipment are offered in optimal conditions with periodic calibrations and inspections in order to ensure proper functioning
Cytometry Service:
- Cell immunophenotyping. Characterisation of cell subpopulations, activation status, receptor expression, and cellular mediators
- Cell separator
Cell Culture Service:
- Preparation and aliquotting of specific antibiotics for culture mediums, inactivation and storage of foetal bovine serum, preparation of culture mediums and cell freezing mediums, and pipette maintenance
- Processing various biological samples: cell separation using density gradient, obtaining serum and plasma...
- Acquirement and isolation of primary cultures and cell lines
- Isolation and marking of lymphocytes for cell proliferation studies
- Cellular freezing
Immunochemistry Service
- Immunoassays

Cristobalina Mayorga Mayorga
Coordinadora Laboratorio Biología Celular. Hospital Civil
Contact: 951 29 02 26 | lina.mayorga@ibima.eu

Manuel Macías González
Coordinator of the Cellular Biology Laboratory. Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital
Contact: 951 03 84 07 | manuel.macias@ibima.eu

Fernando Rodríguez de Fonseca
Coordinator of the Cellular Biology Laboratory. Regional University Hospital of Malaga
Contact: 952 61 40 12 | fernando.rodriguez@ibima.eu

Pablo Jiménez Jurado
Civil Hospital Laboratory Technician
Contact: 951 29 03 46 | pablo.jimenez@ibima.eu

Cristina Fernández de Sousa
Técnico del Laboratorio Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria
Contact: 636 36 15 87 | cristina.fernandez@ibima.eu

Juan Suárez Pérez
Coordinador Adjunto del Laboratorio del Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga
Contacto: 659 64 19 27 | juan.suarez@ibima.eu