The IBIMA BIONAND Platform and Nanomedicine Platform is one of the national leaders in Biomedical Research.
The Malaga Biomedical Research Institute and Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND) has consolidated its position as one of the national leaders in health research. Malaga, therefore, is at the forefront of biomedical research in Spain with the aim of solving health problems and 1500 researchers with extensive experience are working there.
By the end of 2023, the IBIMA BIONAND Platform had obtained a total sum of 30 million in funds raised for health research due to strategic activities carried out during the calendar year. This translates into an increase of EUR 6 million over 2022.
The awarding of 2,5 million of the FORTALECE Programme. This project will increase R&D&I activity and facilitate the transfer of the results achieved to society in the form of advances in knowledge, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in relevant pathologies (chronic, cardiovascular, neurological and cancer diseases). In addition, it will allow the development of frontier science led by the six groups that comprise it: two groups from the Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria whose responsible researchers are Francisco J. Tinahones and Raúl J. Andrade, two groups from the Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga led by María José Torres and Antonia María Serrano, and two groups from the University of Málaga led by José Manuel Jiménez and Melissa García.
IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND has also obtained 900,000 euros by the award of the three platforms of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Innovation, Clinical Trials and Biobank), as well as the CERTERA programme with a total of 400,000 eurosand independent clinical trials with value of 800,000 euros. Also, among the major projects, three in public-private partnership stand out, with a joint financing of 3 million euros.
It is worth noting the positioning of IBIMA BIONAND Platform in the international arena, placing it at the forefront of biomedical research excellence in Europe. In 2023, this recognition is endorsed with the award of one of the most internationally recognised scientific support, ERC Starting. With a budget of more than 1.4 million euros, this Institute faces a great scientific challenge in the prevention and prediction of myocardial infarction, which will represent a major advance in the frontier of knowledge, generating a significant scientific impact with clinical translation. In addition, it is worth highlighting the attraction of international talent with the award of the Marie Slowdoska Curie in the area of allergy, three projects funded under the EU4Health programme and another three within the Horizon Europe health cluster in collaboration with the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN).. The IBIMA BIONAND Platform closes 2023 with three new projects in provisional resolution of the SUDOE, ERA4Health and EU4Health calls, which will generate new collaborations and results with international impact.
This year has seen a significant increase in the number of clinical trials conducted at the Institute. The centre is currently participating in 325 clinical trials, which represents an increase of 24% by 2022.
Likewise, part of the success of the IBIMA BIONAND Platform lies in the active contribution of citizen participation. Events such as the 1st HRUM/IBIMA 7-a-side Football Tournament or the 1st Solidarity Race Against Obesity have been part of the actions carried out and where around 30,000 euros have been raised to promote biomedical research.
Of particular importance for the growth of the Institute has been the act of solidarity of Francisco Jesús Sarmiento, who has donated, by way of inheritance, a total of 230,000 euros for the development of different lines of research at the Institute.
‘Malaga has a centre of excellence in Biomedical Research. It is IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND, which, in recent years, has had a sustained growth in attracting resources, bringing us this year close to the figure of 30 millionThis means that IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND is positioned as one of the most relevant Biomedical Research Institutes in our country’, said Francisco J. Tinahones, scientific director of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga and Nanomedicine Platform.
Tags 2023 • 30 million • IBIMA BIONAND Platform