The Nanoimaging Unit is located in Malaga at IBIMA-Plataforma BIONAND and it has been conceived and optimized to provide very diverse and integrated technological support for Nanotechnology-based biomedical research, offering advanced services to internal and external users. The Unit brings together a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, and it is divided into four departments, each with a dedicated specialist: Small Animal Multimodal Imaging (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in vivo Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Imaging, and Computed Tomography), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (High-resolution NMR Spectrometers of 400 MHz and 600 MHz, including high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR, and a TD-NMR analyzer), Electron Microscopy (Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Cryo-TEM and Electron Tomography, high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and environmental SEM (ESEM)), and Optical Microscopy (Confocal Microscopy, Multiphoton Microscopy, High Content Screening, Conventional Fluorescence Microscopy, and Super-resolution Microscopy)
Services and Rates
Electron Microscopy Service
Optical Microscopy Service
Small Animal Imaging
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Service
NVibrating-Sample Magnetometer Service
Service Description
A vibrating-sample magnetometer (VSM) is a equipment that measures magnetic properties of materials as a function of magnetic field. VSM operates on Faraday’s Law of Induction, a changing magnetic field will produce an electric field
The vibrating sample magnetometer has become a widely used instrument for determining magnetic properties of a large variety of materials: diamagnetics, paramagnetics, ferromagnetics, ferromagnetics and antiferromagnetics
Services Offered
– Magnetization measurements at room temperature and as a function od temperature (between 2 and 400K)
– Determination of magnetic transition temperatures (Curie, Neel) in the previous interval
– Magnetic granulometry for studies of small metallic particles and magnetic oxides
– Cycle measurements of hyteresis, permeability, coercivity for soft materials and permanent magnets up to 7 Teslas magnetic fields
– Obtaining magnetization curves after cooling with field and without field (FC/ZFC curves)
Scientific Manager

María Luisa García Martín
Scientific Coordinator
Technical staff

Juan Félix López Téllez

María Isabel Somoza Ramírez

Sara Molina Gil

Marta Carayol Gordillo