Clinical Studies of the Regional University Hospital of Málaga

The Clinical Trials of the Regional University Hospital of Málaga aims to promote national and international observational studies and clinical trials at the hospital in order to generate knowledge and improve patient health.

Platform's Coordinator is the hospital's institutional representative to the clinical units, the pharmaceutical industry, and the CRO. The coordinator mainly reports to the institution’s managing director


  • Providing technical and administrative support in order to promote and streamline the management and conduct of commercial clinical trials and observational studies
  • Promoting research activity in both established and emerging Clinical Management Units (UGC, for its initials in Spanish)
  • Increasing the number of commercial, national, and international clinical trials
  • Resolving issues that hinder the conduct of clinical trials
  • Optimizing contract management and metrics/timelines


Francisco Carabantes Ocón

Natalia Mena Vázquez

Coordinator Attachment to the Unit