Affiliation Policy
The Malaga Biomedical Research Institute and Nanomedicine Platform-IBIMA BIONAND Platform, through this Affiliation Policy approved by the Governing Council on June 14, 2022, normalizes institutional affiliation in publications, which must be used by all personnel linked to the Institute.
This policy is aligned with the Strategic Plan in force, regarding actions aimed at addressing the lack of visibility of IBIMA BIONAND Platform and is based on Law 14/2011 on Science, Technology and Innovation, which is stated in the article 15, that it is the duty of research personnel “to use the name of the entities for which they provide services in the performance of their scientific activity, in accordance with the internal regulations of said entities and the agreements, pacts and conventions that they sign".
The lack of standardization of the institutional name of IBIMA Bionand Platform with respect to its form of affiliation in bibliographic databases conditions and hinders the work of data recovery and analysis in bibliometric studies. In this sense and with the purpose of increasing the visibility of the institute and improving its position in the rankings of scientific production and promoting the reliability of indicators, these guidelines have been developed, which are based on the recommendations of the FECYT, the BV-SSPA and the consensus document for the affiliation of the authors in scientific publications of the Andalusian Health Research Centers and Institutes of the Ministry of Health.
IBIMA BIONAND Platform researchers will present themselves as such in scientific publications and any professional forum where they attend and will adapt their affiliation data to the following criteria:
The name of the Institute will be indicated in Spanish in its developed form and always followed by its acronym: IBIMA Platform BIONAND separated by a hyphen, without space: Biomedical Research Institute of Málaga and Platform in Nanomedicine - IBIMA Platforma BIONAND. If the name has to be abbreviated, the acronym will always be indicated: IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND
Each linking center will be indicated at different levels with numerical superscripts, which will refer to the author's respective affiliations, in order to avoid an excessively long field that could be shortened in bibliographic databases:
1. Unit, laboratory or department , IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND
2. Unit, name of the health center
3. Department, Faculty, University
4. Other centers
In relation to the standardization of the name of the authors, it is important to always sign in the same way and avoid the variable use of one or two surnames, as well as using hyphens to join compound names and surnames