Obesity, Diabetes and their Comorbidities: Prevention and Treatment

Lines of Research

01.Intestinal microflora, insulin resistance, and obesity.
02.Role of adipobiology in metabolic diseases.
03.Metabolic effect of bariatric surgery.
04.Environmental factors in the genesis of obesity and diabetes (brown adipose tissue and endocrine disruptors).
05.New celular and molecular mechanisms of inflammation in metabolic diseases: obesity, diabetes, and cancer
06.Genetic and epigenetic factors in the prevention, progression, and treatment of type 2 and gestational diabetes
08.Dietotherapeutic approach to obesity and cardiovascular disease: role of ketosis, intermittent fasting, physical exercise, and chronobiology.
09.Mitochondrial fitness in metabolic diseases.
10.Endocrine-metabolic complications of obesity
11.Obesity and brain aging.
12.Biomarker analysis of intervention response for weight loss.
13.Immunity in metabolic diseases.
14.Role of pregnancy and breastfeeding in the onset of metabolic diseases.

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IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND recibe por parte de la asociación ASAMMA una donación de 3.000 euros para una investigación genética relacionada con el cáncer de mama metastásico

El equipo, liderado por Emilio Alba, destinará los fondos recaudados para el estudio del cáncer de mama más frecuente y sus recidivas

El Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga y Plataforma en Nanomedicina (IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND) ha recibido por parte de la asociación de mujeres operadas de cáncer de mama de Málaga (ASAMMA) una donación por un importe de 3.000 euros, partida que irá destinada a un proyecto de investigación relacionado con el estudio genómico en cáncer de mama metastásico.

En concreto, el estudio se centra en mujeres con esta enfermedad que son tratadas con inhibidores de ciclinas, una nueva vía terapéutica hormonal contra el cáncer de mama – en concreto al subtipo HR+/HER2, llamado también luminal – metastásico o localmente avanzado, que permite reducir la progresión de la enfermedad trabajando sobre la inhibición del ciclo celular, es decir, de la activación de las células, suponiendo además el más común dentro de este tipo de cáncer.

Al acto de entrega del cheque han acudido Jesús Fernández Galán, director gerente del Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria; Emilio Alba, investigador responsable del grupo CIMO 1, ‘Investigación clínica y traslacional en cáncer’ de IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND, director de la Unidad de Gestión Clínica Intercentros de Oncología del Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria y director del Centro de Investigaciones Médico Sanitarias (CIMES) de la Universidad de Málaga; Francisco José Tinahones Madueño, director científico de IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND, investigador responsable del grupo A-02, ‘Obesidad, diabetes y sus comorbilidades: prevención y tratamiento’ y jefe de servicio de Endocrinología y Nutrición del Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria de Málaga; y Francisca Aguilar, presidenta de la Asociación ASAMMA, acompañada de un grupo de integrantes de la asociación.

La donación recaudada ha sido posible a través de distintas actividades benéficas. Los fondos irán destinados a un estudio genético relacionado con el cáncer de mama que desarrolla metástasis y su tratamiento con hormonoterapia. El grupo de investigación de IBIMA ‘CIMO 1. Investigación clínica y traslacional en Cáncer’, liderado por Emilio Alba, junto a la investigadora principal del proyecto, Tamara Díaz, serán quienes se encarguen del desarrollo de este estudio.

Por su parte, Emilio Alba, ha manifestado que “este enésimo esfuerzo de la asociación ASAMMA por apostar por la investigación biomédica nos permite seguir avanzando en tratamientos dirigidos a los pacientes para que tengan un impacto positivo en la lucha contra la enfermedad, gracias a un biomarcador clave en el abordaje del cáncer de mama metastásico”.

Según los últimos datos recogidos por el Sistema Europeo de Información del Cáncer (ECIS), en 2022 se diagnosticaron un total de 34.735 nuevos casos de cáncer de mama en España, siendo el tumor más frecuente en mujeres en nuestro país, por delante del cáncer colorrectal, el de útero, de pulmón y de ovario. El 30% de los cánceres diagnosticados en mujeres se originan en la mama. Pese a que, a nivel nacional, el cáncer de mama supone la primera causa de muerte dentro de la Oncología, este tipo de cáncer ha experimentado en los últimos años un importante ascenso de la supervivencia de las pacientes gracias, en gran parte, al avance de la investigación y de nuevos tratamientos disponibles.

Asociación ASAMMA

La Asociación ASAMMA, que lleva 35 años trabajando en Málaga, nació como una entidad volcada en ayudas a todas las personas que han pasado -o están pasando- por esta enfermedad, así como ofrecer el apoyo a los familiares y el entorno directo de las pacientes.

En representación de la asociación ASAMMA, su presidenta, Francisca Aguilar, señaló que “este tipo de donación ha supuesto un enorme esfuerzo por parte de los miembros de este colectivo.” “Es fundamental que aunemos esfuerzos para apoyar la investigación porque debemos pensar en las que pueden venir en el futuro, no solamente en las que están pasando por la enfermedad ahora mismo”, ha añadido. En este sentido, Aguilar destacó que “uno de los principales objetivos de la asociación es donar fondos a través de distintas actividades de carácter benéfico para que los profesionales puedan tener recursos suficientes en el desarrollo de nuevos avances en este campo que necesita encontrar mejores diagnósticos y tratamientos”.  Además, quiso destacar que la asociación “trabaja intensamente desde hace más de treinta años para resolver los múltiples problemas que plantean las mujeres afectadas por cáncer de mama a nivel psicológico, familiar, social y de cualquier otra índole”, ha subrayado su presidenta.



Financed by : European Commission

Program : HEALTH-2007-4.2-1 – Adapting off-patent medicines to the specific needs of pediatric populations

Grant Agreement ID: 223614

Role in the project: Collaborator

Duration: November 2008 to October 2015


Contact: Lucena González, María Isabel

Implementation Centre: Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital

Research group of IBIMA involved: Hepatogastroenterology, Pharmacology and Clinical Translational Therapeutics



The aim of TINN is to evaluate ciprofloxacin, fluconazole and micafungin in neonates; two anti-infectious drugs included in the EMEA priority list of the therapeutic areas that need specific drug evaluation in preterm and term neonates. These drugs are prescribed off-label to treat neonatal infections that are life threatening situations and associated with long-term complications. In order to validate the use of these two drugs in these high risk populations, TINN involves European leaders in neonatology, paediatric pharmacology, methodology and SME and has established a close collaboration between academia, ethical bodies, regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical companies. For both drugs, the project will perform in silico experimentations, animal studies and evaluate formulations adapted to neonates.

Designs will be optimized using age-appropriate state-of-the-art methods adapted to neonates, include pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics in order to validate the components of a Paediatric Investigation Plan. The two trials will be performed with neonatologists trained in paediatric pharmacology and clinical research who respect Good Clinical Practices. All the ethical issues related to the two trials will be considered in particular pain and distress, blood sampling (number and volume) and informed consent. Parent information sheets and consent form submitted to parents’ associations for approval. TINN will include short-term safety (based on vital signs, blood safety data and function of the major organs) and potential for long-term adverse reactions. Results will be also reported in order to allow a PUMA application and to improve neonatal care, through scientific societies. Therefore, TINN will strengthen the European role in drug evaluation in paediatric patients and will support initiatives of the European pharmaceutical industry. Increasing the appropriate use of medicines in child will be of direct benefit to children, their families and health professionals.


Search for new therapeutic agents against complicated obesity by reprofiling existing drugs

Financed by: European Comission

Programme: HEALTH-2007-1.1-4 – SME-driven collaborative research projects for developing 

tools and technologies for high-throughput research

Grant Agreement ID: 223713

Rol in the project: Coordinator

Duration: December 2008 to May 2012


Contact: Rodríguez de Fonseca, Fernando

Implementation Centre: Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga

Research group of IBIMA involved: Neuropsychopharmacology



Obesity is one of the most serious and fast-growing health problem in the European Union, and a leading cause of diabetes. The main barrier for approval of an anti-obesity drug is the safety requirements. We propose to overcome this barrier by discovering phenotypes and biomarkers that identify subsets of patients with safe and efficacious responses to drugs, and by identifying new indications of existing drugs with proven safety profiles. To be approved, anti-obesity drugs need to show a decrease in abdominal fat. We focus on approaches targeting directly abdominal fat cells. In the last years only the cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist Rimonabant has been approved as a therapeutic agent to combat complicated obesity. Research performed with this drug has clearly revealed a role for the endogenous cannabinoid system in controlling energy homeostasis. However, its utility is limited to a restricted set of patients. A new phenotype and/or biomarker may identify responsive patients with good safety profiles. 

This proposal aims to discover novel or improved treatments in the shortest possible timeframe through three synergistic Specific Aims: 

1) Clinical phenotyping of obese patients to identify those that would benefit from existing therapies such as Rimonabant.

2) Discover biomarkers for subsets of obese patients that may correlate with therapeutical outcomes. These biomarkers will be discovered by a novel approach called Combinatorial Cytomic Biomarkers developed by OrphaMed, applied to cells from two physiologically interlinked sources: blood and abdominal-fat samples, extracted from the above phenotyped patients.

3) Identify new indications of existing drugs, alone or in combination, with potential anti-obesity efficacy by lowering the fat content and the glucose uptake of abdominal fat cells, which would be expected to improve carbohydrate/lipid metabolism and lower body weight, extracted from the above phenotyped patients.

This will be accomplished by screening approximately 2.000 known drugs against these fat cells using the novel technology platform “ExviTech” from OrphaMed. Candidates would be evaluated in animal models of obesity.



Combing social interaction and long term monitoring for promoting independent living

Financed by: European Comission

Programme: ICT-2011.5.4 – ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing

Grant Agreement ID: 288173 

Rol in the project: Partner

Duration: January 2012 to December 2014


Contact: Gutierrez Castañeda, Carlos

Implementation Centre: Distrito Sanitario Atención Primaria Costa del Sol


GIRAFF+ develops a system for early detection and adaptive support to people’s changing needs related to ageing. The Giraff+-system consists of a network of home sensors that measure e.g. blood pressure and temperature, or detect e.g. whether somebody occupies a chair, falls down or moves inside a room. The data from these sensors are interpreted by an intelligent system in terms of activities (e.g. the person is going to bed) and health and wellbeing (e.g. the person is tired or well rested). Alarms or reminders to the person or his/her caregivers can be triggered, and the generated data can be analysed over time by a health professional. Part of the system is a telepresence robot, Giraff, which can be moved around in the home remotely via the internet, e.g. by a caregiver. The Giraff is effectively a mobile communication platform, with video camera, display, microphone and speakers, which helps the user to maintain his/her social contacts.



TV-based ASSistive Integrated Service to SupporT European adults living with Dementia

Financed by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III


Grant Agreement ID: 1315000917 

Rol in the project: Coordinator

Duration: February 2017 to June 2020


Contact: Mayoral Cleries, Fermín

Implementation Centre: Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga 

Research group of IBIMA involved: Basic, Clinical, and Epidemiological Research in Mental Health


As Europe’s population is ageing, long-term care for elderly citizens will become an increasing cost for society. To manage this transition healthcare policies in the EU and individual Member States are heavily focused on extending the independent life of the elderly, with the dual aim of increasing their quality of life and reducing the costs of care. Dementia affects more than 6% of people aged 60+ and has a devastating effect on their independence – to date, there is no proven intervention to help dementia patients live a fulfilling life for longer. In this project we will build on an innovative patient support tool to provide healthcare over a distance specifically targeted to patients with mild dementia that enables the interaction of voice, video, and healthrelated data using ordinary telephone lines connected to internet The aim of this study is to develop and to evaluate the effectiveness of a remote support care system based on transmission of data and video-interactivity between health-professionals, patients and careers to prevent deterioration of health and to improve social connectedness and to improve quality of life of people living at home with dementia. The tool will offers following applications:

i) Interactive video conference system with health professionals
ii) Reminders and alerts to help patients to adhere to their treatment and their medical appointments
iii) Telecare through remote transmission of vital signs data (e.g. blood pressure) and regular monitoring of cognitive functions.
iv) Social Connectedness of patients with their families, to community organizations and to social services.
v) Promotion of Health and healthy style of living of people living with dementia at home through counselling, exercise training by videos and online practices sessions

This will slow the patients’ cognitive and functional decline, avoid carers getting exhausted and reduce costs of emergency care. Our project will comprise two phases: first we promote focus group with doctors, nurses, patients and careers to discuss the content and the materials they consider needed to be included in the interface of support system. Later the device will be tested in the home TV and connected to internet. A demonstration and a training session of device utilization will be made at home with users and careers. We will collect feedback on its adaptation from their users of the application until the design is perfectly adapted to the users’ needs. In the second phase, we will pilot in two different countries the optimized application with a total of 100 users (patients + careers) and 100 controls. This will show the clinical and social benefits for patients and careers, as well as financial benefits for the healthcare system. Successful delivery of the pilot will increase patients’ adherence to treatment (10 %-points), while improving the quality of life of careers and patients and it will save health care providers €1,818 / patient / year in care costs, based in the improvement of treatment adherence.




The Initiative «Telehealth Home Support During COVID-19 Confinement for Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Dementia» that used the results of «TV-AssistDem», is a finalist on «EU Health Award». These awards are annual prices of the European Commission to the best policies of the EU in the field of Health.


The iniciative seeked to prevent and alleviate mental health related needs and the impact of social isolation as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic in community-dwelling older adults with cognitive impairment or dementia by providing television-based and telephone-based health care and social support bridging the gaps which rose from disrupted service provision. Moreover, the effects of a television-based assistive integrated technology TV-ASSISTDEM, for remote support were explored. Findings showed how a presumably vulnerable population presented more resilience to social isolation than expected with overall optimal mental health. However, living alone was reported as a risk factor for negative psychological effects. Health or social services contact during the outbreak was high, and Television sets were the preferred technological devices to access COVID-19 information, watch television as a recreational activity, and perform memory exercises as an intellectual activity.Telehealth support using TV-AssistDem demonstrated potential for cognitive stimulation.

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Breaking news

IBIMA has been awarded with a prize of 1.500€ in the EU Health Award on Mental Health in the category NGOs or other not-for-profits organisation.  Congratulations to Dr Fermina Mayoral and his team in this European recognition that rewards the effort of initiatives alleviating the mental health impact of COVID 19.

Initiative title: “Telehealth Home Support During COVID-19 Confinement for Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Dementia”


Support, Monitoring and Reminder Technology for Mild Dementia

Financed by: European Comission

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.6. – Health care provision and integrated care: H2020-PHC-2014-single-stage

Rol in the project: Partner

Grant Agreement ID: 643399

Duration: April 2015 to November 2019 


Contact: Mayoral Cleries, Fermín

Implementation centre: University Regional Hospital of Málaga

Research group of IBIMA involved: Basic, Clinical and Epidemiological Research in Mental Health



As Europe’s population is ageing, long-term care for elderly citizens will become an increasing cost for society. To manage this transition healthcare policies in the EU and individual Member States are heavily focussed on extending the independent life of the elderly, with the dual aim of increasing their quality of life and reducing the costs of care. Dementia affects more than 6% of people aged 60+ and has a devastating effect on their independence – to date, there is no proven intervention to help dementia patients live a fulfilling life for longer.

In this project we will build on an innovative patient support tool to develop a mHealth application that is specifically targeted to patients with mild dementia. The tool will help patients to adhere to their treatment and share data with their carers and doctors; carers will use the same application to monitor patients more easily and share their own well-being with doctors. This will slow the patients’ cognitive and functional decline, avoid carers getting exhausted and reduce costs of emergency care.

Our project will comprise two phases: first we will use digital accessibility tools to re-design the existing application for dementia patients. The development will be steered by patients, carers and doctors, through user-centric design: we will collect feedback on each new version of the application until the design is perfectly adapted to the users’ needs. In the second phase we will pilot the optimised application with 1,100 users (patients + carers) and 1,100 controls. This will show the clinical and social benefits for patients and carers, as well as financial benefits for the healthcare system.

Successful delivery of the pilot will increase patients’ adherence to treatment (10 %-points), while improving the quality of life of carers and patients. It will save healthcare providers €1,818 / patient / year in care costs and will generate revenue of over €18 million / year for the consortium (Year 5).



Financed by : European Commission


Grant Agreement ID: 210 70

Role in the project: Partner

Duration: January 2021 to January 2022


Contact: Gómez Doblas, Juan José 

Implementation Center: Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital  

Research group of IBIMA involved: Cardiovascular Research for Health


About a million people suffer a myocardial infarction yearly in Europe. Without the right support, many patients fail to engage in much-needed lifestyle improvements and risk relapsing. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs are successful in educating patients and lowering their CV risk. However, they don’t reach enough people (attendance before COVID19 between 8 and 50%) and their short duration often renders positive results not sustainable long term.

The pandemic has accelerated the transformation of post MI care and sharpened the need for high quality remote CR dramatically.

Rehab+ is a mobile CR program, offered for one year to patients who cannot a􀆩end traditional CR. It offers an optimised digital platform, regular interaction with a health advisor and integra􀆟on with the healthcare team: the right educational environment for patients to establish lifestyle improvements and reduce CV risk long term.

Rehab+ is being co-created with patients by rehab centers, Amgen and Liva.



Children’s Liver Tumour European Research Network

Financed by: European Comission

Programme: H2020 – PERSONALISING HEALTH AND CARE 2015: Treating and managing disease

Grant Agreement ID:  668596

Rol in the project: Partner

Duration: January 2016 to December 2021


Contact: Gutierrrez Schiaffino, Guiomar

Implementation Centre: Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga

Research group of IBIMA involved: Multidisciplinary Pediatric Research Group



Liver cancer in the paediatric population is rare with an incidence approximately 1-1.5 per million population. The commonest tumour seen in the childhood population is hepatoblastoma (HB), usually seen in young children and infants. Much rarer (about 10% of paediatric liver cancers) is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), usually seen in the teenage population and sometimes associated with underlying cirrhotic liver diseases. The ChiLTERN project relates to topic PHC 18 ‘establishing effectiveness of health care interventions in the paediatric population’. The ChiLTERN project builds on a unique opportunity to undertake a comprehensive research programme linked to an ambitious global partnership which will see the single largest clinical trial (the Paediatric Hepatic International Tumour Trial – PHITT) ever undertaken in this population of patients, with several randomised questions in six subgroups of patients. ChiLTERN will allow us to move towards an era of personalised therapy in which each patient will receive the correct amount of chemotherapy and will undergo has the best surgical operation (surgical resection or liver transplant). By using both clinical and biological information, we can assign patients more accurately to risk groups based on their survival. Using genetic tests and biomarkers, we will determine those children who may be at risk of developing long term side effects (deafness, heart failure, kidney damage). In addition, biomarkers will allow us to monitor during therapy and detect toxicities early before serious damage is done so that we can adapt treatment and prevent these problems. Finally, we will be using imaging technology tools which will help our surgeons plan liver operations more safely and effectively. Ultimately ChiLTERN will allow us to cure more children with liver cancer, expose fewer children to toxic chemotherapy and ensure their surgery is both effective and safe.



FacilitatinG the Authorisation of Preparation Processes for blood, tissues and cells

Financed by : European Commission


Grant Agreement ID: 785269 

Role in the project: Coordinator

Duration: May 2018 to January 2022


Contact: Ponce, Laura



GAPP Joint Action is aiming at facilitating the development of a common and optimal approach to assess and authorize preparation processes in blood and tissues establishments (BEs and TEs), adapting requirements as prescribed by Article 29 of Directive 2002/98/EC and Article 28 of Directive 2004/23/EC .

Since the directives for these fields were adopted, significant technical developments have taken place and the complexity of preparation processes has greatly increased. Increasing complexity of processing can bring significant quality and functionality improvements for patients, and/or more efficient use of donations, but it can also bring increased risk, particularly as the level of complexity brings the final product towards the borderline with medicinal products.

GAPP will ensure that any possible advantage or outcome is taken into account from two ongoing Public Health Programme projects focused on tissues and cells (EuroGTP and ECCTR) incorporating a need for clinical follow-up data as part of a comprehensive process authorization.GAPP durable output is that a knowledge sharing platform on PPAs will be developed and fed in order to facilitate sharing of information among European Union, Competent Authorities and a number of CA inspectors will be trained specifically to assess and authorize preparation processes of tissues, cells, reproductive cells and blood products.

GAPP objectives are:

    1. Increasing consistency and efficacy of competent authority regulatory activities through harmonization of EU-level tools for authorization procedures for preparation processes at blood and tissues establishments
    2. Developing a concept model for a European knowledge-sharing platform that can support CAs in the assessment and evaluation of novel preparation processes of products
    3. Developing an international network of experts that can support CAs in the assessment and evaluation of preparation processes of products, trained by the Joint Action


      • Health and Social Care Inspectorate
      • Agence of biomedical
      • Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus
      • Medical Products Agency


Knowledge Platform on Food, Diet, Intestinal Microbiomics and Human Health

Financed by : Instituto de Salud Carlos III – ISCIII

Program : IHDHL-INTIMIC – Knowledge Platform on Food, Diet, Intestinal Microbiomics and Human Health

Grant Agreement ID: AC19 / 00031 

Role in the project: Partner

Duration: January 2020 to June 2021


Contact: Torres Jaén, María José 

Implementation Centre Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga

Research group of IBIMA involved: Multidisciplinary Pediatric Research Group


Studies suggest that the intestinal microbiome modulates the risk of several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, allergy, cardiovascular disease, and colorectal cancer (CRC). Dietary factors are related to chronic disease risk, and they have been suggested to modulate the composition and function of the gut microbiome.

However, detailed knowledge on the relationship of diet, the microbiome, and chronic disease risk is still limited.

The overarching aim of the knowledge platform is to foster studies on the microbiome, nutrition and health by assembling available information in the field of microbiome research in food, nutrition and health in a comprehensive way, which also includes other disciplines (e.g. food science, metabolomics) that are relevant in the context of microbiome research. The goal is to make this information findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) to the scientific community and to link and provide in-depth information to various stakeholders.

Through these efforts a network of transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration will emerge, that will further develop and increase the impact of microbiome research in human health. Urgent areas of research in this KP were identified to be the roles of microbiome in early infancy, during ageing and in subclinical and clinically manifest disease.


      • Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (Coordinator)
      • Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
      • Christian-Albrechts-Universität
      • University of Turin
      • State Agency Higher Council for Scientific Research
      • Institute of Biomedical Research of Malaga
      • Wageningen University
      • Medical University of Vienna
      • Medical University of Graz,
      • Istituto Superiore di Sanità
      • Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
      • University of Milano,
      • University of Barcelona
      • sigmund Freud University Vienna
      • Libera Università di Bolzano
      • University of Bari Aldo Moro,
      • University of Naples Federico II
      • Research Center for Food and Nutrition
      • Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
      • L’Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement
      • Max Rubner-Institut
      • University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
      • Galilee Research Institute Ltd.
      • Medes Medizinische Dienstleistungen GmbH
      • University of Florence
      • University of Graz
      • Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie – BIPS GmbH
      • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
      • Helmholtz Zentrum München
      • University Medical Center Groningen
      • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
      • The Open University of Israel
      • Institute of Clinical Microbiology and Hygiene
      • Hannover Medical School
      • University of Hohenheim
      • University of Gothenburg
      • University of Vienna
      • Unilever Innovation Centre Wageningen B.V.
      • Maastricht University
      • University of Bonn
      • INSERM-University of Rouen
      • CRNH Rhône-Alpes,
      • Chalmers University,
      • Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses,
      • University Hospital Aachen, AöR, for the Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen,
      • Federico II University of Naples

How Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Pandemic Affect the Depression Symptomatology in Mediterranean Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome?; – DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY

Paz-Graniel, I; Babio, N; Nishi, SK; Martínez-González, MA; Corella, D; Fitó, M; Martínez, A; Alonso-Gómez, AM; Wärnberg, J; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; López-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Tinahones, FJ; Santos-Lozano, JM; Serra-Majem, JL; Bueno-Cavanillas, A; Tur, JA; Sánchez, VM; Pintó, X; Delgado-Rodríguez, M; Matía-Martín, P; Vidal, J; Calderon-Sanchez, C; Daimiel, L; Ros, E; Fernández-Aranda, F; Toledo, E; Valle-Hita, C; Sorli, JV; Lassale, C; Garcia-Rios, A; Oncina-Canovas, A; Barón-Lopez, FJ; Zulet, MA; Rayó, E; Casas, R; Thomas-Carazo, E; Tojal-Sierra, L; Damas-Fuentes, M; Ruiz-Canela, M; de las Heras-delgado, S; Fernandez-Carrión, R; Castañer, O; Peña-Orihuela, PJ; Gonzalez-Palacios, S; Buil-Cosiales, P; Goday, A; Salas-Salvadó, J – 2023 – 10.1155/2023/6765950

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and adherence to Mediterranean diet in an adult population: the Mediterranean diet index as a pollution level index, – ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH

Garcia, S; Bouzas, C; Mateos, D; Pastor, R; Alvarez, L; Rubin, M; Martinez-Gonzalez, MA; Salas-Salvado, J; Corella, D; Goday, A; Martinez, JA; Alonso-Gomez, AM; Warnberg, J; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; Lopez-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Tinahones, FJ; Lapetra, J; Serra-Majem, L; Riquelme-Gallego, B; Pinto, X; Gaforio, JJ; Matia, P; Vidal, J; Vazquez, C; Daimiel, L; Ros, E; Bes-Rastrollo, M; Guillem-Saiz, P; Nishi, S; Cabanes, R; Abete, I; Goicolea-Guemez, L; Gomez-Gracia, E; Signes-Pastor, AJ; Colom, A; Garcia-Rios, A; Castro-Barquero, S; Fernandez-Garcia, JC; Santos-Lozano, JM; Vazquez, Z; Sorli, JV; Pascual, M; Castaner, O; Zulet, MA; Vaquero-Luna, J; Basterra-Gortari, FJ; Babio, N; Ciurana, R; Martin-Sanchez, V; Tur, JA – 2023 – 10.1186/s12940-022-00956-7

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  • Researcher in Charge
    Será Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.

Francisco José Tinahones Madueño

  • Co-investigator in Charge
    Será Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.

Manuel Macías González

Isabel Moreno Indias

  • Senior Investigator
    Serán aquellos que tengan una actividad investigadora de al menos 5 años en la etapa posdoctoral. Estos investigadores estarán adscritos a un Grupo de Investigación liderado por un Investigador Responsable. Las funciones serán las que le tenga asignadas su IR.
    Pueden liderar una línea de investigación de alguno de los grupos de investigación del Instituto, con financiación competitiva propia, y con potencial para llegar a convertirse responsable de un grupo de investigación.

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  • Collaborating Healthcare Researcher
    Será Investigador Asistencial Colaborador el Investigador que no reúne la consideración de Investigador Posdoctoral. Estarán adscritos a un Grupo de Investigación liderado por un IR. Las funciones serán las que le tenga asignada su IR.

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  • Postdoctoral and/or junior researchers
    Esta etapa posdoctoral estará restringida a Investigadores del Instituto que tengan el título doctor y no contemplados en los perfiles posteriores. Durante su etapa posdoctoral pueden llegar a liderar proyectos de I+D+i como Investigadores Principales, aunque aún no hayan establecido un nivel significativo de independencia. Además, pueden tener actividades de docencia y/o asistencial más allá de su trabajo de investigación.

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  • Predoctoral and/or Training Researchers

    Los investigadores predoctorales y/o en formación serán aquellos investigadores que realizan investigaciones bajo supervisión en una línea de investigación orientada a la resolución de problemas de salud. Incluye aquellos investigadores que están cursando un doctorado (incluyendo a los contratados Río Hortega)

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  • Technical staff

    Los investigadores predoctorales y/o en formación serán aquellos investigadores que realizan investigaciones bajo supervisión en una línea de investigación orientada a la resolución de problemas de salud. Incluye aquellos investigadores que están cursando un doctorado (incluyendo a los contratados Río Hortega)

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