Haematology and Haematotherapy

Lines of Research

01.Transplantation of hematopoietic precursors in adult and pediatric patients
02.CAR-T cell therapy (Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T): efficacy and quality of life studies
03.Study of rare diseases with a hematological basis: diagnosis and individualized treatment
04.Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Approach in the clinic and the laboratory of new therapies for patients with hemophilia. Digital tools for the management and analysis of information in hemophilia. Immune thrombocytopenia. Thrombophilia states of genetic and acquired origin. Thrombosis in Oncohematology

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A Phase I/II Open-Label Study of Molibresib for the Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory Hematologic Malignancies – CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH

Dawson, Mark A.; Borthakur, Gautam; Huntly, Brian J. P.; Karadimitris, Anastasios; Alegre, Adrian; Chaidos, Aristeidis; Vogl, Dan T.; Pollyea, Daniel A.; Davies, Faith E.; Morgan, Gareth J.; Glass, Jacob L.; Kamdar, Manali; Mateos, Maria -Victoria; Tovar, Natalia; Yeh, Paul; Delgado, Regina Garcia; Basheer, Faisal; Marando, Ludovica; Gallipoli, Paolo; Wyce, Anastasia; Krishnatry, Anu Shilpa; Barbash, Olena; Bakirtzi, Evi; Ferron-Brady, Geraldine; Karpinich, Natalie O.; McCabe, Michael T.; Foley, Shawn W.; Horner, Thierry; Dhar, Arindam; Kremer, Brandon E.; Dickinson, Michael – 2023 – 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-1284

Toxicity of Asciminib in Real Clinical Practice: Analysis of Side Effects and Cross-Toxicity with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors – CANCERS

Perez-Lamas, L; Luna, A; Boque, C; Xicoy, B; Giraldo, P; Lopez, RP; Nuno, CR; de las Heras, N; Castera, EM; Marin, JL; Diaz, AS; Gomez, V; Tenza, PV; Pacho, MS; Goni, JAV; Vega, MM; Alvarez-Larran, A; Cortes, M; Encinas, MP; Mastell, PC; Angona, A; Rosell, A; Lakhwani, S; Colorado, M; Ramila, E; Cervero, C; Cuevas, B; Blanco, LV; de Paz, R; Coll, AP; Fernandez, MJ; Casado, LF; Alonso-Dominguez, JM; Arance, MMA; Cuenca, AS; Jimenez-Velasco, A; Prendes, SO; Santaliestra, M; Chulvi, MJL; Hernandez-Boluda, JC; Garcia-Gutierrez, V – 2023 – 10.3390/cancers15041045

Treosulfan-Based Conditioning Regimen In Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Retrospective Analysis on Behalf of the Spanish Group for Hematopoietic Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (GETH-TC) – TRANSPLANTATION AND CELLULAR THERAPY

Galán, V; Beléndez, C; Echecopar, C; Estival, P; Sissini, L; Olivas, R; Bueno, D; Molina, B; Fuentes, C; Regueiro, A; Benítez, I; Plaza, M; Margarit, A; Rifón, J; Pascual, A; Palomo, P; Urtasun, A; Fuster, JL; Fuster, L; de Heredia, CD; Navarro, JMF; González-Vicent, M; Ruz, B; Pérez-Martínez, A – 2023 – 10.1016/j.jtct.2023.08.016

Haploidentical vs. HLA-matched donor hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in second remission: A collaborative retrospective study of the Spanish Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children (GETMON/GETH) and the Spanish Childhood Relapsed ALL Board (ReALLNet) – FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS

Moreno, C; Ramos-Elbal, E; Velasco, P; Aguilar, Y; Martínez, BG; Fuentes, C; Molinos, A; Guerra-García, P; Palomo, P; Verdu, J; Pedroso, RMA; Vagace, JM; López-Duarte, M; Regueiro, A; Tasso, M; Dapena, JL; Salinas, JA; Navarro, S; Bautista, F; Lassaletta, A; Lendínez, F; Rives, S; Pascual, A; Rodríguez, A; Pérez-Hurtado, JM; Fernández, JM; Pérez-Martínez, A; González-Vicent, M; de Heredia, CD; Fuster, JL – 2023 – 10.3389/fped.2023.1140637

Impact of cytomegalovirus immunodominant HLA-I donor-recipient matching on the incidence and features of virus DNAemia and virus-specific T-cell immune reconstitution in unmanipulated haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation – TRANSPLANT INFECTIOUS DISEASE

Huntley, D; Giménez, E; Vázquez, L; Pascual, MJ; Amat, P; Remigia, MJ; Hernández-Boluda, JC; García, M; Gago, B; Torres, I; de la Asunción, CS; Hernani, R; Pérez, A; Albert, E; Piñana, JL; Solano, C; Navarro, D – 2023 – 10.1111/tid.14065

Impact of pre- and/or post-autologous stem cell transplantation exposure to brentuximab vedotin on survival outcomes in patients with high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma – ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY

Martínez, C; de Haro, ME; Romero, S; Gutiérrez, A; Domingo-Domènech, E; González-Rodríguez, AP; Zeberio, I; Martínez-Badas, MP; Rodríguez-Izquierdo, A; Carpio, C; Bastos-Oreiro, M; Hernández-Rivas, JA; Vallansot, R; Kelleher, N; Díaz-Gálvez, FJ; Torrado, T; Pereira, A; García-Sanz, R – 2023 – 10.1007/s00277-022-05011-6

Impact of trisomy 19 on outcome according to genetic makeup in patients with acute myeloid leukemia – HAEMATOLOGICA

Kayser, S; Martínez-Cuadrón, D; Rodriguez-Veiga, R; Hänel, M; Tormo, M; Schäfer-Eckart, K; Botella, C; Stölzel, F; del Castillo, TB; Keller, U; Rodriguez-Medina, C; Held, G; Amigo, ML; Schliemann, C; Colorado, M; Kaufmann, M; Garcia, MB; Krause, SW; Görner, M; Jost, E; Steffen, B; Zukunft, S; Platzbecker, U; Ho, AD; Baldus, CD; Serve, H; Müller-Tidow, C; Thiede, C; Bornhäuser, M; Montesinos, P; Röllig, C; Schlenk, RF – 2023 – 10.3324/haematol.2022.282127

One-year breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection and correlates of protection in fully vaccinated hematological patients – BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL

Piñana, JL; Vazquez, L; Calabuig, M; López-Corral, L; Martin-Martin, G; Villalon, L; Sanz-Linares, G; Conesa-Garcia, V; Sanchez-Salinas, A; Gago, B; Facal, A; Risco-Gálvez, I; Olave, MT; Espigado, I; Lopez-Jimenez, J; Hernández-Rivas, JA; Avendaño-Pita, A; Arroyo, I; Ferrer, E; García-Cadenas, I; González-Santillana, C; Roldán-Pérez, A; Ferrer, B; Guerreiro, M; Suarez-Lledó, M; Camara, A; Campos-Beltrán, D; Navarro, D; Cedillo, A; Sureda, A; Solano, C; Martino, R – 2023 – 10.1038/s41408-022-00778-3

Results of haploidentical transplant in patients with donor-specific antibodies: a survey on behalf of the Spanish Group of Hematopoietic Transplant and Cell Therapy – FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY

Bailén, R; Alenda, R; Herruzo-Delgado, B; Acosta-Fleitas, C; Vallés, A; Esquirol, A; Fonseca, M; Solán, L; Sánchez-Vadillo, I; Bautista, G; Bento, L; López-Godino, O; Pérez-Martínez, A; Torrent, A; Zanabili, J; Calbacho, M; Moreno, MA; Pascual-Cascón, MJ; Guerra-Domínguez, L; Chinea, A; García-Cadenas, I; López-Corral, L; Boix-Giner, F; Lórenzo, JLL; Humala, K; Duarte, R; Sampol, A; Heras, I; Vicario, JL; Balas, A; Oarbeascoa, G; Fernández-Caldas, P; Anguita, J; Kwon, M – 2023 – 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1165759

Role of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant for relapsed/refractory aggressive B-cell lymphomas in the CART era – BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION

Mussetti, A; Bento, L; Bastos-Oreiro, M; Sansalvador, BR; Albo, C; Bailen, R; Barba, P; Benzaquén, A; Briones, J; Caballero, AC; Campos, A; Español, I; Ferra, C; López, SG; Sierra, PAG; Guerra, LM; Hernani, R; Iacoboni, G; Ubieto, AIJ; Kwon, M; Corral, LL; López-Godino, O; Munoz, MCM; Martínez-Cibrián, N; Gómez, JM; Pérez-Ortega, L; Ortf, G; Ortiz-Maldonado, V; Pascual, MJ; Perera, M; Perez, A; Reguera, JL; Sanchez, JM; Sanz, J; Torrent, A; Yáñez, L; Varela, R; Echechipia, IC; Caballero, D; Sureda, A – 2023 – 10.1038/s41409-023-01949-x

SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibody waning, booster effect and breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplant and cell therapy recipients at one year after vaccination – BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION

Pinana, JL; Martino, R; Vazquez, L; Lopez-Corral, L; Perez, A; Chorao, P; Avendano-Pita, A; Pascual, MJ; Sanchez-Salinas, A; Sanz-Linares, G; Olave, MT; Arroyo, I; Tormo, M; Villalon, L; Conesa-Garcia, V; Gago, B; Terol, MJ; Villalba, M; Garcia-Gutierrez, V; Cabero, A; Hernandez-Rivas, JA; Ferrer, E; Garcia-Cadenas, I; Teruel, A; Navarro, D; Cedillo, A; Sureda, A; Solano, C – 2023 – 10.1038/s41409-023-01946-0

Survival Outcomes and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults Diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Receiving Frontline Therapy in Daily Practice – JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE

Ramos, F; Hermosín, ML; Fuertes-Núñez, M; Martínez, P; Rodriguez-Medina, C; Barrios, M; Ibáñez, F; Bernal, T; Olave, MT; Alvarez, MA; Vahí, M; Caballero-Velázquez, T; González, B; Altés, A; García, L; Fernández, P; Durán, MA; López, R; Rafel, M; Serrano, J; Ranelletti, FO – 2023 – 10.3390/jpm13121667

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Francisco José López Jaime

  • Investigador/a Sénior
    Serán aquellos que tengan una actividad investigadora de al menos 5 años en la etapa posdoctoral. Estos investigadores estarán adscritos a un Grupo de Investigación liderado por un Investigador Responsable. Las funciones serán las que le tenga asignadas su IR.
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    Será Investigador Asistencial Colaborador el Investigador que no reúne la consideración de Investigador Posdoctoral. Estarán adscritos a un Grupo de Investigación liderado por un IR. Las funciones serán las que le tenga asignada su IR.
  • Investigadores/as posdoctorales y/o junior
    Esta etapa posdoctoral estará restringida a Investigadores del Instituto que tengan el título doctor y no contemplados en los perfiles posteriores. Durante su etapa posdoctoral pueden llegar a liderar proyectos de I+D+i como Investigadores Principales, aunque aún no hayan establecido un nivel significativo de independencia. Además, pueden tener actividades de docencia y/o asistencial más allá de su trabajo de investigación.

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