Estudio de las enfermedades infecciosas

Lines of Research

01.HIV infection
02.Endovascular infection
03.Multiresistant germs
04.Identification of NTM by MALDI-TOF

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Revisiting the epidemiology of bloodstream infections and healthcare-associated episodes: results from a multicentre prospective cohort in Spain (PRO-BAC Study)

Perez-Crespo, PMM; Lanz-Garcia, JF; Bravo-Ferrer, J; Canton-Bulnes, ML; Dominguez, AS; Aguirre, JG; Reguera-Iglesias, JM; Jimenez, EL; Castillo, CA; Vallejo, MAM; Ciordia, TM; Suarez, JF; Boix-Palop, L; Pedragosa, JC; Saenz, AJ; Blanco, JS; Galan-Sanchez, F; Kindelan, CN; Jimenez, AD; Bahamonde-Carrasco, A; Amat, AS; Garcia, DV; Rodriguez, CH; Molina, IMR; Camacho, IP; Sanchez-Porto, A; Garcia, MG; Carral, BB; de Lucas, EM; Lopez-Hernandez, I; Rodriguez-Bano, J; Lopez-Cortes, LE – 2021

The first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Spain was associated with early introductions and fast spread of a dominating genetic variant

Lopez, MG; Chiner-Oms, A; de Viedma, DG; Ruiz-Rodriguez, P; Bracho, MA; Cancino-Munoz, I; D’Auria, G; de Marco, G; Garcia-Gonzalez, N; Goig, GA; Gomez-Navarro, I; Jimenez-Serrano, S; Martinez-Priego, L; Ruiz-Hueso, P; Ruiz-Roldan, L; Torres-Puente, M; Alberola, J; Albert, E; Zaldumbide, MA; Bea-Escudero, MP; Boga, JA; Bordoy, AE; Canut-Blasco, A; Carvajal, A; Eguiluz, GC; Rodriguez, MLC; Costa-Alcalde, JJ; de Toro, M; Peinado, ID; del Pozo, JL; Duchene, S; Fernandez-Pinero, J; Escriva, BF; Cardona, CG; Galan, VG; Jimenez, NG; Crespo, SH; Herranz, M; Lepe, JA; Lopez-Causape, C; Lopez-Hontangas, JL; Martin, V; Martro, E; Beamonte, AM; Ros, MM; Moreno-Munoz, R; Navarro, D; Navarro-Mari, JM; Not, A; Oliver, A; Palop-Borras, B; Grande, MP; Pedrosa-Corral, I; Gonzalez, MCP; Perez-Lago, L; Perez-Ruiz, M; Vazquez, LP; Rabella, N; Rezusta, A; Fonseca, LR; Sanbonmatsu-Gamez, S; Sicilia, J; Soriano, A; Balaguer, MDT; Torres, I; Tristancho, A; Marimon, JM; Coscolla, M; Gonzalez-Candelas, F; Comas, I – 2021

Clinical Predictive Model of Multidrug Resistance in Neutropenic Cancer Patients with Bloodstream Infection Due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Gudiol, C; Albasanz-Puig, A; Laporte-Amargos, J; Pallares, N; Mussetti, A; Ruiz-Camps, I; Puerta-Alcalde, P; Abdala, E; Oltolini, C; Akova, M; Montejo, M; Mikulska, M; Martin-Davila, P; Herrera, F; Gasch, O; Drgona, L; Morales, HP; Brunel, AS; Garcia, E; Isler, B; Kern, WV; Morales, I; Maestro-de la Calle, G; Montero, M; Kanj, SS; Sipahi, OR; Calik, S; Marquez-Gomez, I; Marin, JI; Gomes, MZR; Hemmatti, P; Araos, R; Peghin, M; del Pozo, JL; Yanez, L; Tilley, R; Manzur, A; Novo, A; Carratala, J – 2020

Impact of HIV on the survival of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C virus-infected patients

Merchante, N; Rodriguez-Fernandez, M; Figueruela, B; Rodriguez-Arrondo, F; Revollo, B; Ibarra, S; Tellez, F; Merino, E; Montero-Alonso, M; Galindo, MJ; Rivero-Juarez, A; de Los Santos, I; Delgado-Fernandez, M; Garcia-Deltoro, M; Vera-Mendez, FJ; Garcia, MA; Aguirrebengoa, K; Portu, J; Rios-Villegas, MJ; Villalobos, M; Aleman-Valls, MR; Minguez, C; Galera, C; Macias, J; Pineda, JA – 2020

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José María Reguera Iglesias

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    Serán aquellos que tengan una actividad investigadora de al menos 5 años en la etapa posdoctoral. Estos investigadores estarán adscritos a un Grupo de Investigación liderado por un Investigador Responsable. Las funciones serán las que le tenga asignadas su IR.
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