Clinimetrics in Physical Therapy
Lines of Research
01. Develop and validate instruments for evaluation and clinical diagnosis, integrating biomechanics, physiology, psychometrics, and clinical symptoms
02.Physiology and biomechanics applied to musculoskeletal (dys)function. Preclinical studies
03.Development, validation, and sensitivity to change of instruments for measuring outcomes in clinical sciences
04. Multimodal health promotion interventions in chronic diseases. Clinical trials
05. Health solutions based on information and mobile communication technology. Telemedicine and mHealth. Translational studies and innovation
- Research projects
- Clinical studies
- Scientific Publications
- Technological Offers
- Industrial property records
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The Quality of Dying and Death of Advanced Cancer Patients in Palliative Care and Its Association With Place of Death and Quality of Care
Gutierrez-Sanchez, D; Gomez-Garcia, R; Rosello, MLM; Cuesta-Vargas, AI – 2021
Effects of exercise on muscle mass, strength, and physical performance in older adults with sarcopenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis according to the EWGSOP criteria
Escriche-Escuder, A; Fuentes-Abolafio, IJ; Roldan-Jimenez, C; Cuesta-Vargas, AI – 2021
The Role of Experience, Perceived Match Importance, and Anxiety on Cortisol Response in an Official Esports Competition
Mendoza, G; Clemente-Suarez, VJ; Alvero-Cruz, JR; Rivilla, I; Garcia-Romero, J; Fernandez-Navas, M; de Albornoz-Gil, MC; Jimenez, M – 2021
Effects of obesity on balance in people with intellectual disabilities
Perez-Cruzado, D; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M; Cuesta-Vargas, AI – 2021
Physical Activity Promotion Programmes in Childhood Cancer Patients and Their Impact on Fatigue and Pain: A Systematic Review
Malysse, C; Romero-Galisteo, RP; Merchan-Baeza, JA; Duran-Millan, JI; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M; Galan-Mercant, A – 2021
Clinician Assessment Tools for Patients with Diabetic Foot Disease: A Systematic Review
Fernandez-Torres, R; Ruiz-Munoz, M; Perez-Panero, AJ; Garcia-Romero, JC; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M – 2020
Instruments for Measuring Satisfaction With Physical Therapy Care: A Systematic Review
Gutierrez-Sanchez, D; Perez-Cruzado, D; Cuesta-Vargas, AI – 2020
Telehealth Home Support During COVID-19 Confinement for Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Dementia: Survey Study
Goodman-Casanov, JM; Dura-Perez, E; Guzman-Parra, J; Cuesta-Vargas, A; Mayoral-Cleries, F – 2020
Competition Seriousness and Competition Level Modulate Testosterone and Cortisol Responses in Soccer Players
Jimenez, M; Alvero-Cruz, JR; Solla, J; Garcia-Bastida, J; Garcia-Coll, V; Rivilla, I; Ruiz, E; Garcia-Romero, J; Carnero, EA; Clemente-Suarez, VJ – 2020
Instruments of Choice for Assessment and Monitoring Diabetic Foot: A Systematic Review
Fernandez-Torres, R; Ruiz-Munoz, M; Perez-Panero, AJ; Garcia-Romero, J; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M – 2020
The Predictive Role of Raw Bioelectrical Impedance Variables in Disordered Eating Attitudes in Female Ballet Dance Students
Alvero-Cruz, JR; Mathias, VP; Romero, JCG; Rosety, I; Rosety, MA; Diaz, AJ; Ordonez, FJ; Rosety-Rodriguez, M – 2020
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review
Perez-Cabezas, V; Ruiz-Molinero, C; Jimenez-Rejano, JJ; Gonzalez-Medina, G; Galan-Mercant, A; Martin-Valero, R – 2020
Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the extended TUG test in elderly participants
Bedoya-Belmonte, JJ; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, MD; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M; Pitarch, JMB; Galan-Mercant, A; Cuesta-Vargas, AI – 2020
The suffering measurement instruments in palliative care: A systematic review of psychometric properties
Gutierrez-Sanchez, D; Gomez-Garcia, R; Cuesta-Vargas, AI; Perez-Cruzado, D – 2020
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Testing of the International Sedentary Assessment Tool for the Spanish Population
Cuesta-Vargas, AI; Roldan-Jimenez, C; Martin-Martin, J; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M; Sanchez, DG – 2020
Kinematic Mobile Drop Jump Analysis at Different Heights Based on a Smartphone Inertial Sensor
Mateos-Angulo, A; Galan-Mercant, A; Cuesta-Vargas, AI – 2020
Therapeutic Physical Exercise Post-Treatment in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines
del-Rosal-Jurado, A; Romero-Galisteo, R; Trinidad-Fernandez, M; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M; Cuesta-Vargas, A; Ruiz-Munoz, M – 2020
Cross-cultural adaptation and validity of the Spanish fear-avoidance components scale and clinical implications in primary care
Cuesta-Vargas, AI; Neblett, R; Gatchel, RJ; Roldan-Jimenez, C – 2020
Load progression criteria in exercise programmes in lower limb tendinopathy: a systematic review.
Escriche-Escuder, Adrian; Casana, Jose; Cuesta-Vargas, Antonio I – 2020
Validation, Reliability, and Responsiveness Outcomes of Kinematic Assessment with an RGB-D Camera to Analyze Movement in Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain
Trinidad-Fernandez, M; Beckwee, D; Cuesta-Vargas, A; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M; Moreno, FA; Gonzalez-Jimenez, J; Joos, E; Vaes, P – 2020
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Researcher in ChargeSerá Investigador de este nivel los Investigadores Responsable que lideren un grupo de investigación del Instituto y sus Co-IR. Esta categoría puede incluir investigadores muy excepcionales en su disciplina.
Antonio Cuesta Vargas
Investigador/a SéniorSerán aquellos que tengan una actividad investigadora de al menos 5 años en la etapa posdoctoral. Estos investigadores estarán adscritos a un Grupo de Investigación liderado por un Investigador Responsable. Las funciones serán las que le tenga asignadas su IR.
Pueden liderar una línea de investigación de alguno de los grupos de investigación del Instituto, con financiación competitiva propia, y con potencial para llegar a convertirse responsable de un grupo de investigación.
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Investigador/a Asistencial Colaborador/aSerá Investigador Asistencial Colaborador el Investigador que no reúne la consideración de Investigador Posdoctoral. Estarán adscritos a un Grupo de Investigación liderado por un IR. Las funciones serán las que le tenga asignada su IR.
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Investigadores/as posdoctorales y/o juniorEsta etapa posdoctoral estará restringida a Investigadores del Instituto que tengan el título doctor y no contemplados en los perfiles posteriores. Durante su etapa posdoctoral pueden llegar a liderar proyectos de I+D+i como Investigadores Principales, aunque aún no hayan establecido un nivel significativo de independencia. Además, pueden tener actividades de docencia y/o asistencial más allá de su trabajo de investigación.
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Investigadores/as predoctorales y/o en formación
Los investigadores predoctorales y/o en formación serán aquellos investigadores que realizan investigaciones bajo supervisión en una línea de investigación orientada a la resolución de problemas de salud. Incluye aquellos investigadores que están cursando un doctorado (incluyendo a los contratados Río Hortega)
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