Sequist, LV; Gray, JE; Harb, WA; Lopez-Chavez, A; Doebele, RC; Modiano, MR; Jackman, DM; Baggstrom, MQ; Atmaca, A; Felip, E; Provencio, M; Cobo, M; Adiwijaya, B; Kuesters, G; Kamoun, WS; Andreas, K; Pipas, JM; Santillana, S; Cho, BC; Park, K; Shepherd, FA – 2019 – 10.1634/theoncologist.2018-0695
Randomized Phase II Trial of Seribantumab in Combination with Erlotinib in Patients with EGFR Wild-Type Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
by prodriguez | Jan 1, 2019 | Publicaciones - B-22 | 0 comments